Senior Vehicle Sales Executive

Monasterevin Motors are now looking for an experienced Vehicle Sales Executive to join our team. Monasterevin Motors, are looking for a dynamic, and driven individual, who works well as part of a team and is willing to learn the Toyota Way. A minimum of 2 years Motor Trade Sales experience is essential for this position. The key responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:·              To sell high volumes of new and used cars and commercials via the use of an effective sales process, whilst at the same time achieve the best profit for the Dealer.·              Meeting and exceeding Sales targets on continuous basis.·              Carry out accurate appraisals of all vehicles offered for part exchange.·              Using various sources, prospect for new and used car and commercial customers on a regular basis to create additional sales opportunities.·              Maintain showroom and displays to the required Company standard. To include the availability and display of vehicles.·              Manage the preparation and handover of sold vehicles to customers ensuring that the customer is given a full briefing on the operation of the vehicle and its controls.·              Introduce customers to Aftersales staff in order that they are aware of the facilities and procedures.·              Through the effective use of a follow up process, maintain regular contact with all new and existing customers to ensure that relationships are maintained for potential repeat business.·              Develop and maintain full product knowledge of all products, accessories, prices and key features of major competitors.·              To participate in planning sales campaigns and promotions to maximise sale. Key Competencies:·              Must be able to work on own initiative.·              Driven and ambitious in meeting targets on a monthly basis.·              Strong communication skills – with customers and internally.·              Full clean Irish Driver’s licence.·              Excellent Sales Skills and a proven sales record.  The benefits·              A full time, permanent position with an established company.·              Competitive salary with an achievable commission/bonus scheme.·              Company car.

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