Senior Speech & Language Therapist

Saint John of God Kerry Services provides a range of programmes and services for adults and children with an intellectual disability throughout the Kerry region. We have units throughout Kerry, including Killarney (Beaufort), Killorglin, Listowel and Tralee. A person-centered approach to service delivery is promoted in accordance with the Organisations values and ethos and in keeping with its commitment to the continuing development of community based servicesThe successful candidate must: Have a recognized qualification in Speech and Language TherapyBe registered with CORUHave a minimum of three years post qualification experience working as a Speech and Language Therapist.Have at least one years’ experience working as a Speech and Language Therapist with adults with intellectual disabilities.Have a qualification in dysphagia with at least 6 months post graduate experience working in the area of adult dysphagia.Demonstrate excellent communication, interpersonal and organizational skills.Demonstrate initiative, flexibility, enthusiasm and resourcefulness.Be responsible and accountable and have proven experience to properly discharge the functions of the role in line with best practice and professional standardsDemonstrate the ability to work as a part of a team providing supports to adults with complex needs.Have a full Clean Driver’s License and access to own car Desirable Experience: Have completed Lámh training and training related to Augmentative and Alternative Communication.Have experience in delivering Staff Training Programmes.Have experience in supporting people with behaviours that challenge. Informal enquiries to Claire O’ Dwyer General Manager. Tel: 064 66 44133Interested candidates should apply by sending a Cover letter and Curriculum Vitae, including written explanation for any gaps in employment

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