Senior Speech and Language Therapist

Down Syndrome Ireland (DSI) is the national charity for people with Down syndrome and their families in Ireland, supporting over 3,500 members across 25 branches nationwide. We are working to achieve an optimal quality of life for people with Down syndrome, as equally valued, independent citizens. We are seeking two passionate and experienced Senior Speech & Language Therapists to join our nationwide team. You will play a crucial role in supporting our members with Down Syndrome across the Mid West Region including Roscommon, Leitrim and Mayo and the South East Region including Wexford, Kilkenny and Carlow.Additionally, you will be part of a team that will be responsible for developing a specialized speech and language program/model tailored to the unique needs of individuals with Down syndrome and their families.Our talented and passionate therapists provide a wide range of support including:Attention and Listening SkillsIntroducing and using AAC systems including manual sign (Lamh), paper based and high tech approachesSpeech sound approaches- articulation, phonological, motor speech, prosody and rateLanguage work approaches – vocabulary, grammar, sentence building, narrative, questions, social language and literacyFluency work / StutteringDuties & ResponsibilitiesCo-ordinate and contribute to the delivery of the Speech & Language Therapy services for the Branches of Down Syndrome Ireland based within your region.Provide clinical leadership in the day-to-day running of the services in each location whilst prioritising and allocating services based on the needs of each Branch.Collaborate with clients, families, carers and other professionals in goal setting and intervention planning in an efficient and timely manner to ensure a holistic approach to intervention.Be responsible for assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation of intervention programmes for service users.Deliver a range of therapeutic models appropriate to the client population.Generate and manage documentation in respect of assessments, diagnoses, intervention plans, and clinical notes.Experience RequiredEssential:3 Years Experience Post Speech & Language Therapy QualificationRelevant Experience prior to Speech & Language Therapy QualificationRecognised qualification in Speech and Language TherapyCurrent registration with CORU or eligible to be registeredCurrent Membership of IASLT or eligible for membershipDue to the nature of the role, a full clean drivers’ licence will be required with access to your own vehicle.Desirable:Experience of assessment and therapy for children and adults with Intellectual DisabilityExperience of delivering in a leadership capacity including staff and stakeholder managementExperience of Lámh and other Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)Experience delivering training workshops to parents and teachersHours of workEach post is fulltime, working 37.5 hours per week and is flexible in the design of the weekly roster. Locations:South East Region: This role will include regular travel to our branches based in the South East region. Time across locations will depend on the demand for services in each location (Wexford, Kilkenny and Carlow).Mid West Region: This role will be primarily based in Swinford, Co.Mayo and will include regular travel to our branches based in the Mid-West region (Roscommon, Leitrim and Mayo).

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