Senior Respiratory Physiotherapist

An opportunity has arisen in our physiotherapy department for a Full-time, permanent Senior Respiratory Physiotherapist.Purpose of Post:Day to day responsibility for the physiotherapy service to ICU, surgical and cardiology patients co-ordinating the workload of rotational physiotherapists. The successful candidate will also be responsible for patient assessment, development and implementation of individualised treatment plans that are patient centred and in line with best practiceProfessional qualifications, essential skills & knowledge:·        Be registered as a Physiotherapist by the Physiotherapists Registration Board at CORU. ·        Have a proven record of clinical expertise in Respiratory / critical care physiotherapy and must hold a minimum of 3 full-time or equivalent years post qualification experience of which 1 year full-time or equivalent must be in the required area of Critical Care, ICU or acute cardio-respiratory physiotherapy. ·        Candidates must have the requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability and professional ability) for the proper discharge of the duties of the office.·        Provide proof of Statutory Registration on the Physiotherapist Register maintained by the Physiotherapists Registration Board at CORU before a contract of employment can be issued.·        Evidence of post graduate CPD relevant to the role. ·        Experience supervising physiotherapy undergraduates and graduate staff.  THE MATER PRIVATE NETWORK IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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