Senior Renewables Asset Manager (Ireland)

 EnergyPro is a specialist renewable energy management firm. We analyse and manage over 1.4GW of installed capacity in Ireland and the UK.We manage operational renewable energy projects to ensure that they perform safely and effectively. Due to our continued expansion, we are looking to add a highly skilled Senior Renewables Asset Manager to our team. This is a hybrid role, with a primary base in South Kildare, and then the option of working remotely (after an initial onboarding period) for up to 3 days per week. Primary Responsibilities:·        To manage a team of Asset Managers·        To manage client/customer communications·        To chair meetings and deliver presentations to clients·        To meet new prospective clients and assist with pricing work and contract negotiations.·        To help grow the business·        To liaise with senior management and the accounts department to ensure the smooth operation of the business·        To ensure a safe culture for work at renewables asset sites and oversee compliance with safety and quality standards  Required Attributes:Previous Renewables Asset Management ExperienceGood technical knowledge of wind turbine technology. Experience of solar or battery storage would be an added benefit.Excellent written and verbal communication skillsExcellent project management abilitiesExcellent meeting and presentation skillsVery strong computer skills, particularly with ExcelExperience in implementing, operating and auditing safe systems of workA good knowledge of Health and Safety on Renewable Asset SitesHighly Desirable:Project Management software experienceConsulting engineering backgroundFormal engineering, project management and/or health and safety qualificationTraining and support will be available in the role if some of the above criteria are not met.Competitive salary on offer commensurate with experience. Start date as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we will not accept any applications from recruitment agencies.We request that candidates please apply directly.EnergyPro is an equal-opportunity employer. 

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