Senior Radiation Therapist

Job Title: Senior Radiation TherapistDepartment; RadiotherapyReports to; Radiotherapy Services ManagerDate; 2024  Overall Purpose of Job Provide exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect, caring and compassion are at the centre of all we do. Key Responsibilities and Deliverables§ Maintains an atmosphere of care, concern and support for patients ranging in age from paediatrics to geriatrics, visitors, medical staff and co-workers on a consistent basis.§ Delivers radiation treatment according to written prescription and treatment plan. § Provides safety in patient care through the consistent practice of Departmental Procedures for treatment administration. Recognises deviation from prescribed treatment delivery and reports all deviations to the RTSM or Physicist.§ Assures the quality of treatment delivery through the complete and accurate documentation of treatment records.§ Assures the quality and consistency of treatment by taking and reviewing electronic images according to departmental procedures for patients receiving treatment.§ Explains treatment procedures and side effects to patient and family. Refers patients to appropriate personnel.§ Takes localisation images according to planned treatment delivery. § Performs measurements for use during treatment calculation. Collects and documents data acquired during the simulation procedure. § Accurately inputs treatment-related data into the patient management system§ Assists as needed in all treatment-related procedures.§ Assists at other locations as needed.§ Uses effective communication techniques and interpersonal skills to provide explanations for treatment-related procedures. Responds effectively to patient concerns. Observes patients for expected and unexpected reactions to treatments and communicates this to appropriate staff members. Reinforces patient education and side effect management information and indicates non-compliance to medical and nursing staff.§ Performs and documents daily and weekly QA activity for assigned equipment. Documents findings outside the range established by Physics. Notifies Chief Therapist immediately of findings outside the normal range of operations. Participates in programs to measure and improve the quality of care within the Department. Assists and attends departmental QA functions. § Attends multidisciplinary team meetings for coordination of patient care. § Produces images as scheduled. Adjusts treatment fields as indicated. Completes the daily treatment schedule. Maintains an accurate record of procedures including billing information and codes.§ Maintains a safe orderly treatment room.§ Provides on-call coverage for the treatment of patients in emergency situations.§ Helps the RTSM and Clinical Specialists in the day to day running of treatment units and CT unit ensuring the daily list is run as smoothly as possible.§ Helps train and supervise more junior RT staff. Clinical ResponsibilitiesThe post holder will be familiar with and adhere to The Professional Scope of Practice of Radiation Therapists (IIRRT) and code of conduct of Radiographers Registration Board Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics. The post holder will ensure:§ The patients’ needs are individually assessed.§ A care plan and evaluation process is planned and implemented.§ The patients’ families and significant others are involved as appropriate.§ Patients are cared for in the optimum clinical environment, adhering to all hospital wide policies and guidelines.§ Delegation is appropriate to the skill level and knowledge of the individual to whom the task is delegated.§ Documentation is recorded in a professional, legible and timely fashion. The post holder will partake in the Total Quality Management processes thereby contributing to:§ The identification of quality, policy and guideline issues.§ The evaluation of current practices to best practice.§ The setting of standards utilising structure, process and outcome.§ All hospital, regional and national audit processes.§ The Hospital Wide Accreditation Cycle.§ Health Promotion initiatives. Managerial Responsibilities§ The timely identification and communication of any issues to the Radiotherapy Services manager.§ Demonstrate a confidence and competence in all hospital policies and guidelines.§ Efficient recording of all necessary documentation.§ Effective management of complaints.§ Monitoring of all risk management processes.§ Maintaining effective interdisciplinary communication processes.§ Efficient utilisation of pay and non-pay resources.§ Participate in all departmental and hospital communication processes. Personal & Professional ResponsibilitiesThe post holder is expected to:§ Attend in a timely manner all mandatory education sessions.§ Maintain a professional portfolio.§ Ensure their professional and personal persona positively reflects the profession of nursing and Beacon Hospital.§ Identify potential and beneficial topics for research.§ Utilise all practical opportunities to educate the patient and their families.§ Attend appropriate study days and courses.§ Be a preceptor and or supervisor to students and newly appointed staff.§ Participate in their performance review with the Radiotherapy Services Manager, Beacon Hospital. Educational ResponsibilitiesUnder the direction of the RTSM the post holder will:§ Develop teaching skills and participate in the planning implementation of orientation and teaching programmes for Junior Therapists and student therapists in the clinical setting.§ Provide feedback to RTSM in the compilation of proficiency assessments for Junior Therapists and student therapists in the clinical setting.§ Contribute to the identification of training needs pertinent to the clinical area.§ Identify and contribute to the continual enhancement of learning opportunities in the clinical area.§ Participate in the clinical induction of all new therapy, nursing and support staff.§ Develop leadership ability in order to act as an effective role model.§ Assume responsibility for own learning and development needs. Other Duties and Responsibilities§ Utilise effective time management skills.§ Maintain professional appearance and dress code.§ Comply with guidelines for absence or tardiness.§ Attend staff meetings, read email and other postings.§ Attend all required in-services.§ All employees are expected to remain flexible to meet the needs of the hospital, which may include floating to other departments to assist as the patient needs fluctuate.§ Wear Identification badge when working.  Person SpecificationQualifications§ Completion of a Bachelor of Science or equivalent Irish/EU/or AMA-approved institution. § IIR validation/ IIR course recognition.§ CORU Registration.Experience§ Must have at least 3 years relevant and appropriate post graduate Radiotherapy Experience. § Promotion to senior level will be based on merit and may occur at any regular annual review session once adequate experience level has been reached.§ Job Specific Competencies and Knowledge.§ Be familiar with and adhere to the code of conduct of Radiographers Registration Board Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics. Job Specific Competencies and Knowledge§ Effective communication techniques and interpersonal skills to provide explanations for treatment-related procedures.§ Demonstrate high level of technical knowledge and skill, including critical decision making§ Demonstrate knowledge of new developments in specialised area§ Demonstrate evidence of effective planning, organising and time management skills.§ Demonstrate flexible approach – to internal rotations, rostering, e.g, on call, attitude to work.Teamwork§ Demonstrate ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team.§ Demonstrate motivation and an innovative approach to job.§ Communication & Interpersonal Skills.§ Demonstrate effective communication skills including the ability to present information in a clear and concise manner.Personal CompetenciesAll posts in Beacon Hospital require a high level of flexibility to ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient service. Therefore, the post holder will be required to demonstrate flexibility as and when required by their manager or hospital management.

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