Senior Quantity Surveyor

Quinn Downes Group are a leading National provider of Mechanical Service Installations to high-profile clients across Ireland. We have an exciting opportunity for a Senior Quantity Surveyor to join our expanding team. The successful candidate will manage the costings in a wide range of projects. This is a unique opportunity to start in a growing company and continue on growing in your own career.MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES:Evaluate the terms and conditions of sub-contractors / contracts with emphasis on Risk, Program, Terms & Conditions, Design Responsibility etc.Prepare Tender Risk Analysis based on standard format, Contract documentation including bill of quantities.Identify, analyse and develop responses to commercial risks.Provide advice on contractual claims – analysing outcomes and forecast and report as required.To prepare and present monthly company reports at each project and/or business review, in line with company formats and standards.Assist in the preparation of monthly commercial reports.Assist the Estimation Department from time to time on the preparation of estimates.Ensure that client relationships are enhanced to maximize on current and future opportunities.Take off, price & track variations for submission to client.Take off, price & track tender returns in a timely manner. THE CANDIDATE:Minimum 4 years’ experience working in a related role.Certificate or Diploma in Building Services, Mechanical Engineering, Quantity Surveying, Construction Studies or similar.Ability to work on their own initiative & willingness to be able to work as part of a team.Excellent time management skills & attention to detail.Ability to use time productively, maximize efficiency & meet challenging work goals.Driving licence desirable however not essential.

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