Senior Project Manager

Senior Project Manager - Birmingham We have great opportunity for a Senior Project Manager to join our multidisciplinary team in Birmingham. You’ll work on a wide range of projects, including new build, regeneration, education and more. The role involves working as part of a multi-skilled team alongside internal and external partners, executing project work.Responsibilities include:Client liaison including include presentation of schemes, project programming and other matters affecting delivery of service.Act as the Contract Administrator or Employer's Agent on a wide range of building types, utilising all standard forms of construction Appointing Professional Team and management of their performanceVisiting sites, carrying out and issuing inspection reportsPreparing and presenting initial appraisal and feasibility reports.Preparing and presenting outline design proposals, including preparation of budget estimate costs. Preparing full working drawingsContract administrationTenders, carrying out analysis and preparing reportsDelegating any of the above duties whilst retaining responsibility for achievement.The ideal candidate will have:BSc (Hons) degree or similar in Building Surveying/Quantity surveying/ Project Management with relevant working experienceAssociate membership of RICS or equivalent recognised qualificationIf you are interested in joining our successful multidisciplinary consultancy please apply with CV and covering letter detailing your current salary, your expectations and why you believe you are suitable for the role.Some of our amazing benefits include: ·       Flexible working hours (choice of start and finish times based around a 7.25 hour working day, core hours between 10am-4.15pm) ·       Hybrid working (potential to work from office and home) ·       Medicash health plan (money back on your dental, optical, physio appointments and more) ·       Life assurance cover (four times annual salary) for all colleagues. ·       In-house mental health first aiders ·       Birthday leave ·       Long-service leave ·       Biannual pay reviews ·       Scottish Widows pension and salary sacrifice (4.5% contribution matched) ·       Professional development scheme ·       Sponsorship of professional fees ·       2 paid corporate social responsibility days Baily Garner LLP is an equal opportunities employer who positively encourage applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity/paternity needs.

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