Senior / Lead Process Engineers

DPS delivers Full Service Engineering with a ‘client first’ mentality and personal touch across a range of market sectors: Project and Programme Management, Procurement, Design, Construction Management, Environmental Health & Safety Management, Commissioning, Qualification, Start-up and Technical Staff Support.We have one goal: to deliver more than you expect first time, every time. We’ve been serving industry around the world for 46 years, relied on for our agility, original thinking, sound judgement and high-calibre people. What sets us apart is the rapport we build with our clients and the care we take to gain a fundamental understanding of our clients business and how they operate.Overview of rolesRoles available for Senior / Lead Process Engineers with proven experience (5+ years minimum) in the life sciences (pharmaceuticals / biopharmaceuticals) sector. The role shall entail project delivery from concept stage right through to completion for various clients. The candidate shall follow the DPS design roadmap for each project phase, while using their own experience to identify opportunities for improvement, and providing the best solution for our customers.At varying stages, the role shall involve development of deliverables such as PFD's, Mass / Energy balances, Process Simulation, Utility studies, P&IDs, process philosophies on items such as high potency product containment, ATEX / PED / CE compliance, leading on equipment sizing, specification and procurement efforts, etc. The ideal candidate should be capable to produce such deliverables listed, as well as to Lead others on the development of same, and act in a checker / peer review capacity.Although not essential, the ideal candidate shall have proven experience with some of the common process software tools such as FluidFlow, SuperPro / SchedulePro, Fauske, etc.

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