Lead Planner - Leixlip Co Kildare

We have an exciting opportunity for an ambitious Lead Planner to join Engineering Partner of choice Suir Engineering. Suir Engineering with offices in Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. We deliver leading edge next generation solutions to clients by designing, building, and installing Data Centres, Pharma and Medical Device plants and Renewable Energy Systems. We are currently recruiting for a Lead Planner on a full-time permanent basis to join our growing business this position will be based on a semi conductor project based in Leixlip Co. Kildare.Overall Role ObjectiveThe overall role objective of the Lead Planner is to ensure that construction projects are completed within set deadlines, on budget and in line with all the relevant safety standards and regulations. Key Responsibilities / DutiesContinuously model the steps of the construction project in different diagrams. Prepare and update project programmes.Produce manpower loadings and progress S-Curves.Monitor and report on project progress.Make decisions related to logistics and resources. Monitor and report on internal productivity and issue Earned Value Analysis on a weekly basis. Consider the costs and possibilities of reducing them without compromising quality or safety.Attend meetings with the Project Team to discuss progress made and any issues that arise over the course of the project. Guide a team of 2-3 planners.Any other reasonable and relevant duties as requested by your Manager, necessary to meet the ongoing needs of the company.Qualifications / Skills RequiredPrimavera P6 qualification plus full proficiency in the software.Excellent computer skills – experience Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Project would be a distinct advantage.6 plus years’ experience working in a similar role within the construction industry.Experience working as a Mechanical or Electrical Planner would be an advantage but is not essential.Ability to work on own initiative.Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.Excellent attention to detail.Ability to work to tight deadlines.In return from Suir ….Competitive salary commensurate with experienceEmployer Pension contributionEmployer Private Healthcare Contribution21 days annual leaveEmployee Wellbeing and Employee Assistance ProgrammeBike-to-Work SchemeEducational Assistance and CPDOur way of working is called the Suir Way, designed to help us continually improve. The benefit for employees is:Our people are empowered to make changes to ensure a quality install through effective ways of working.Our people have a voice and feel empowered.We have an in-built culture of innovation, learning and continuous improvement.Value is delivered every step of the journey. Our efficient processes deliver value.We have a standard, consistent and fully integrated health, safety, environment, and quality system within the business.At Suir Engineering are an equal opportunities employer, we value our greatest asset …. our People.

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