Senior Physiotherapist

Senior Physiotherapist Charleville, Co. Cork, IrelandSt. Joseph's Foundation is a voluntary organisation providing comprehensive services for people with intellectual disabilities. Founded in 1968 the Foundation has grown through continuously responding to the needs of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. The Foundation presently provides early intervention, pre-school, school, adult day services, residential, respite care, elder care and home support in the North Cork and Southwest Limerick region. We have day services in Charleville and Liskennett with residential services in Co Limerick: Ballylanders, Croom, Ballyagran, Bruree, Kilmallock, Dromcollogher and in Co Cork: Charleville, Dromina, Newtownshandrum, Buttevant and Newmarket.  St Joseph's Foundation is an organisation that makes a real difference in the lives children and adults with disabilities. We are currently seeking a highly motivated Senior Physiotherapist to join our Childrens Disability Network Team based in Charleville Co. Cork , specifically attached to the Holy Family School  The ideal candidates will have: - Candidates must satisfy Department of Health and Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for appointment as follows:·        Hold a Degree and be registered in the Physiotherapy Register, maintained by the Physiotherapists Registration Board at CORU·        Qualify for Registration with The Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP) is required·        Experience of working with children with complex disabilities and/or autism·        Experience of working as part of an Interdisciplinary Team·        Previous Work Experience with a minimum of three years post qualification experience  Informal enquiries to Denise O Riordan, Physiotherapy Manager - doriordan@sjf.ieContract Type: 1.0 WTE Location: Charleville OVERALL OBJECTIVETo work as a senior member of an interdisciplinary team providing services to children 0 – 18 and their families within the region. The post holder will be responsible for the provision of a physiotherapy service to include assessment, diagnostics and intervention, clinical and performance supervision and ongoing service delivery to school aged children with a wide range of disabilities.  MAIN DUTIES Duties include •        Plans and organises individual and group caseloads, to include assessments, interventions and diagnosis.•        Demonstrates a sound understanding of administrative practice and protocol in decisions.•        Demonstrates sufficient clinical skills in assessment intervention and diagnostics to meet the specific needs of the relevant caseload•        Facilitates staff development by providing support such as clinical supervision, mentoring, coaching and formal development planning.•        Builds credibility and portrays the profession/service in a positive light by being professional and well informed.•        Gets a message across fluently and persuasively in a variety of different media (oral, written and electronic). Health & Safety •        Make oneself aware of the Foundation’s duties and the employee duties under the Safety, Health & Welfare at work legislation•        To ensure fire and safety precautions are implemented and maintained•        To ensure adequate knowledge of emergency action and plans•        To be responsible for the general safety and maintenance of any equipment provided for the fulfilment of his/her duties and to maintain a current inventory of same•        Ensure that all accidents/incidents are reported, documented and followed up on using the online incident reporting system Note:As the above is not an exhaustive list of the duties and responsibilities, this job description may be revised from time to time to take account of any change in requirements of the position or any duties as may be assigned by the Physiotherapy Manager

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