Senior Physiotherapist

Senior Physiotherapist required Kiltipper Woods Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy Clinic provides a comprehensive range of specialist Therapies: In –Patient short stay Rehabilitation /Convalescence Care for Dublin Acute and Private Hospital,Outpatient Clinic with a large client base – including hydrotherapy.We are seeking to recruit an experienced  Senior Physiotherapist to lead our Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy Service.This is a position that offers an excellent opportunity in career progression for the right person, the position offers very attractive terms and conditions and remuneration package.  You will lead a dynamic and progressive physiotherapy service.Will be responsible for allocation of workload and Roster.The Senior Physiotherapist as the Head of Physio and Hydro Dept will lead, develop, and manage a quality patient-centred physiotherapy service and ensure timely access to physiotherapy intervention for the client population.The post holder will carry a clinical caseload. The post holder will have experience and an interest in providing a number of specialties including, musculoskeletal, orthopaedics, respiratory, neurology, care of the elderly and hydrotherapy.The job involves an equal caseload of inpatients rehab patients, land-based outpatients, and hydrotherapy outpatients Qualifications and ExperienceThe candidate must possess at least the following:Bachelor of Science (Hons) Degree or equivalent.At least 6 years post graduate experienceCandidate must be a member of CORU and the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists or eligible for membership. Hydrotherapy experience preferable Kiltipper Woods Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy Clinic (KWPHC) offers the following:A modern, state of the art facility for rehabilitation.A pleasant working environmentExcellent facilities.Opportunity to work as part of an onsite Multidisciplinary Team, Doctor, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, SALT, Dietitian and other members of the team.On-site Training room for in house training.Free training specific to your needs, your job and your skills gapEducation support to gain qualifications for your current or future roleCommitted to providing and maintaining the highest standard of care, Staff Dining Room – Free food and Tea/Coffee supplied for morning and evening breaksPaid break in the morning and evening.On-site café with staff discount of 40%Discounted uniforms with a re-payment plan.Cycle to work scheme with a re-payment planFree ParkingFlexible working hours.Pension  Primary Responsibilities: Professional / ClinicalBe responsible for the overall management and performance of physiotherapy activity within the designated area in maintaining professional practice.Provide clinical and professional leadership in the delivery of a high-quality Physiotherapy service.Ensure best practice physiotherapy needs assessments and appropriate range of service user interventions are in place.Ensure that professional standards are maintained.Work as a member of the multidisciplinary team as required for the service.Be responsible for the delivery of the Physiotherapy service within the budget allocation.Develop good working relationships with other Heads of Service, professionals, specialist services, community, and voluntary organisations to provide integrated quality care to service users. Education & TrainingMaintain standards of practice and levels of professional knowledge by participating in continuous professional development initiatives and attendance at courses as appropriate.Engage in career and professional development planning.Encourage and support the promotion of staff development and training by making recommendations with regard to the ongoing education, research, training and in-service needs of Physiotherapists.Health & SafetyTake responsibility for all aspects of staff and client safety within their area of responsibility.Contribute to the development of policies, procedures, guidelines, and safe professional practice and adhere to relevant legislation, regulations and standards and ensure that staff complies with same.Carry out risk assessments as appropriate within the Physiotherapy service as required.Ensure all staff are aware of all policies and trained to implement them including clinical risk assessment with service users..Have a working knowledge of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) Standards as they apply to the role for example, Standards for Healthcare, National Standards for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections, Hygiene Standards etc. and comply with associated HSE protocols for implementing and maintaining these standardsService ProvisionBe responsible for the strategic and operational management and delivery of physiotherapy services.Be responsible for day to day work scheduling in response to changes in staff /resource availability and service demandsThe post holder will collaborate with relevant personnel to produce operational and development plans in line with the relevant service plans. Assist in development of policies, procedures, protocols and guidelines to support safety and promote professional best practice in service provision and ensure compliance with same.LeadershipLead by example, a professional, efficient, and dedicated team with open communication and healthy working relationships.Manage self in accordance with professional standards and maintain a high-quality ethos within the service.Liaise with local heads of discipline, managers, clinical directorates and other individuals or groups as required. Human Resource ManagementOversee the implementation of appropriate induction and probationary systems.Manage, induct, supervise and mentor staff in line with best practice in people management, including staff performance and review processes and in line with international physiotherapy standards.Oversee and implement appropriate performance management systems (e.g. clinical audit/quality assurance programmes) for the delivery of a high quality physiotherapy service.Supervise and support the development of staff.   Visit our Web site for further information 

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