Senior Pharmacist Antimicrobial Stewardship and Theatres

Blackrock Health Hermitage Clinic is a private hospital in Lucan, West Dublin that has just undergone an exciting merger to form one third of the Blackrock Health group. Our specialised teams provide medical, surgical and advanced radiotherapy care to patients and are supported by the very latest medical technology. Blackrock Health Hermitage Clinic is committed to providing excellence in patient care using state-of-the-art facilities.The Pharmacy department provides an advanced clinical pharmacist service to all wards, supported by our medicines management pharmacy technicians (MMPTs). The dispensary is responsible for dispensing all non-stock requisitions as well as dispensing all Discharge Medication (TTO) prescriptions. Our oncology pharmacists provide a clinical and aseptic preparation service to our substantial oncology service. This successful applicant will also be joining us at an exciting time with our transition to ePrescribing and an EHR rollout set for 2025.About The RoleThe Senior Pharmacist ‘Antimicrobial Stewardship and Theatres’ is responsible for the auditing and monitoring of antimicrobial therapy as well as offering insight into the appropriate prescribing of antimicrobials. This exciting role also requires the post holder to provide the services of a link pharmacist to the medicines management processes within our theatres. The post holder will work closely with the Head of Pharmacy, Microbiologists and Theatres staff.Key Responsibilities  LeadershipTo lead on, develop and evaluate prescribing of anti-infectives and medicines used in theatres within the hospital, in accordance with the priorities set between the post holder and the microbiologists, anaesthetists, theatre staff and the pharmacy department.To identify and promote best practiceTo motivate and inspire others (both within Pharmacy and externally)To proactively develop clinical pharmacy services relating to anti-infectives in line with local and national objectivesTo work collaboratively with pharmacy, medical staff, the multidisciplinary team and management to ensure implementation of local and nationally agreed pharmacy services and objectives, relating to anti-infectives and medicines used in theatresTo negotiate with and persuade clinicians of all grades on issues relating to anti-infective prescribing practice and medicines used in theatres according to local and national policies Service ProvisionTo promote best practice prescribing of medicines through co-ordination of projects and audits in accordance with priorities set by the organisation. To ensure their safe, effective and cost effective use. To actively contribute to the monitoring and management of drug expenditure through regular analysis and reporting, in order to ensure safe, clinically effective and cost efficient use of medicines.To identify changes in prescribing practices that may impact on drug budgetTo identify new prescribing practices that may impact on the drug budget (horizon scanning)To be available to pharmacy, medical and nursing staff to answer queries relating to individual patients and specific policies and protocols relevant to specialist areaTo undertake audit and investigations and implement changesTo present results of audit work at National MeetingsTo develop, implement, monitor and evaluate medicines protocols and guidelinesTo update medicines protocols and guidelines on a rolling basisTo participate in the pharmaceutical aspects of clinical audit to ensure optimal drug usageTo liaise with clinicians in smoothing the entry of new drug protocols and ensure old practice is phased out General Service ProvisionTo provide a high quality, customer focused pharmaceutical service to all Hermitage Clinic in-patientsTo review prescriptions for their clinical appropriateness, safety and legality and conduct medicine reconciliations as per hospital policyTo dispense and supply drugs to patients as per service demandTo provide evaluated pharmaceutical advice and information to all health care professionals and patients of the hospital using on-line databases and primary sourcesTo have a working knowledge of pharmacy stock control and ordering systemsTo screen as required discharge medication prescriptions (TTOs) on the ward Clinical PracticeTo act as a clinical role model to all pharmacists and demonstrate the ability to provide safe, clinically effective and cost efficient use of drugsTo professionally screen/check prescriptions, thus taking professional responsibility, as required by the hospitalTo integrate research evidence into practiceTo actively seek to improve the ward and clinical services providedTo demonstrate expert clinical knowledgeTo plan, monitor and review drug treatment protocolsTo ensure that medication histories and patients’ own drugs are checked on admission or transferTo enhance the quality of patient careTo manage difficult and ambiguous problemsTo make decisions with limited informationTo work with a whole-system patient focused approachTo demonstrate advanced level of clinical reasoning and judgementTo work with Infectious Diseases/Microbiology/Anaesthesiology/Surgical consultants to develop best practice protocolsSupervise Medicines Management Pharmacy Technicians (MMPTs) in your clinical area Staff ManagementTo supervise a pre-registration (5th Year APPEL student) pharmacist if requiredTo contribute to the management of the APPEL placement programme annual rosterTo act as a diploma tutor to a student undertaking a post-graduate diploma in clinical pharmacy as requiredTo act as a junior or middle-grade pharmacist mentor if required Learning and EducationTo identify the training needs of pharmacy staff in order to undertake the roles required in relation to anti-infectives and medicines used in theatreTo provide education and training of pharmacy and other staff in relation to Infectious Diseases, anti-infective use and medicines used in theatreTo participate in education and training of other healthcare professionalsTo participate in the clinical training of ward pharmacists, including accompanied ward visits with junior pharmacistsTo lecture on Infection Management to newly started employees of the hospitalTo identify own training needs and document in personal development planTo participate in other areas of pharmacy practice in order to ensure a broad base of pharmaceutical knowledgeTo undertake continual professional development and maintain a CPD portfolio in line with requirements of thePharmaceutical Society of Ireland including continuing education and attendance at appropriate courses and study daysProvide professional and personal development opportunities for all staff working with the relevant Learning and Education specialists to develop an appropriate programme of learning and education based on a planned (individual, department and organisation) training needs assessment.Maintain accurate records of all study leave and education resources used. Implement an enhanced staff competence assessment relevant to the Department. Facilitate study days and leave for staff, in accordance with the Hermitage Clinic Study Leave Policy and within budgeted allowances. Quality Improvement, Risk Management & Health & Safety Ensure that there is compliance with all relevant Hermitage Clinic guidelines, policies, procedures and relevant legislation and regulatory requirements. This includes responsibility for dealing with regulatory or professional bodies and inspections.Encourage continuous review and evaluation of policies, guidelines and existing practices through regular audit programmes and review engaging with the multi-disciplinary team where required.Promote a culture of continuous quality improvement across the department involving the team in continuous improvement initiatives and encouraging innovation. Contribute to the setting and monitoring of core objectives, standards and key performance indicators for the service and monitor performance against these standards through internal and (where applicable) external audit.Participate in the requirements of the hospitals accreditation process including JCI, ISO27001 etc. and take the lead as requiredParticipate in the requirements of the hospital’s risk management programme.Work with members of the team in devising Standard Operating Procedures for the development of the Department.Develop a culture of safety, promoting positive reporting of incidents and near misses; investigate and take remedial action on incidents or near misses involving patients and staff according to hospital policies, protocols and guidelines. Essential CriteriaMaster’s Degree in Pharmacy or equivalentMember of the PSIDiploma in Clinical Pharmacy or equivalentMinimum 3 years’ experience as a clinical pharmacistDemonstrate the ability to appropriately recommend, substantiate and communicate therapeutic options and dosage regimens for patients receiving anti-infectives and medicines used in theatresPractical clinical experiencePrevious experience in delivering training and educationDemonstrable use of clinical audit to improve practiceExperience including working with Clinicians in an MDT/ward round environmentSkills/ Competencies as per BHHC Competency Framework Demonstrates awareness of and commitment to the Clinical Governance agendaClinical skillsIT skillsQuality focusRisk ManagementClinical auditTeam workPlanning and organising skillsExcellent interpersonal and communication skillsThis Job Description is intended as a basic guide to the scope and responsibilities of the position and is subject to regular review and amendment. The role holder will be required to be flexible in this position and is expected to facilitate working additional hours on occasion, when requested.Blackrock Health Hermitage Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer

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