Senior Oncology Physiotherapist

Senior Oncology Physiotherapist Applications are invited to apply for the position of Senior Oncology Physiotherapist. This is a full-time position. With Flexible working hours.Requirements·            Possess a University qualification in Physiotherapy such as the Bachelor in Physiotherapy (Hons) degree from the National University of Ireland or equivalent.·            Be a member of CORU and be eligible for membership of the Irish Society of Senior Chartered Physiotherapists.·            Have a minimum of three years post qualification experience.·            Awareness / Sensitivity toward patient needs.·            To show initiative and work without direct supervision.·            Have experience in the treatment of a specific clinical population.·            Ability to work effectively within a multi-disciplinary team with a flexible and adaptable approach.·            Key to this role is that the candidate has a proven track record of a positive attitude and a can-do approach which is demonstrated in their excellent interpersonal skills.·            Be able to identify & prioritise requirements of the service area. Job description available on request.   MATER PRIVATE HOSPITAL IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER 

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