Senior Medical Scientist – Histology

A vacancy has arisen within the Laboratory Department of the Galway Clinic for the position of Senior Medical Scientist – Histology. This is a permanent role, full time, 35 hours per week. The Role: ·       Perform routine duties as required for the Histology Laboratory.·       Assist in the organisation and co-ordination of the Histology Laboratory.·       Assist in the implementation and maintenance of a quality management system in the Histology Laboratory.·       Participate in developing the Histology Laboratory to meet the clinical needs of our patients and ensuring that the service is consistent with the mission, vision, values and strategic plan of the Clinic.·       Ensure that all samples are processed in accordance with standard operating procedures.·       Co-operate in evaluating assays, equipment, consumable items and research projects.·       Actively participate in internal and external quality control and quality assurance.·       Participate as required in the provision of appropriate statistical and management information.·       Assist and co-operate with the Laboratory Management in developing safety procedures.·       Participate in strategic hospital initiatives, as they develop, to refine laboratory services provision to synergise with evolving patient requirements. ·       Participate in ensuring that effective safety procedures are in place to comply not only with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act but also within the spirit of the Hospital’s mission, vision and values. Also participate in ensuring that these safety procedures are known and followed.·       To assist as required with laboratory accreditation & INAB or other inspections of the Histology Laboratory.·       Participate in staff training as required·       From time to time, to undertake any reasonable and practicable duties as requested by the Laboratory Manager. The Candidate: ·       Relevant Scientific Qualification (BSc in Biomedical or related Science) - essential.·       MSc – essential.·       Must be registered with CORU ·       Must be eligible for membership of the ACSLM·       Post Qualification Medical Scientist experience in Histology – 5 years is essential. ·       Professional approach to work·       Flexibility in work practice  Closing date for receipt of applications: Wednesday 5th March 2025 at 5pm Blackrock Health, Galway Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer

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