.NET Senior Full Stack Developer

DPS is a leading Project Management and Engineering Company serving the construction industry around the world for almost 40 years. Within DPS the Advanced Technology Group (ATG) is responsible for the development, implementation, and support of several Construction Project Management software applications. The software is responsible for the coordination and management of resources across multiple trade contractors for large semiconductor manufacturing companies. Project spends can be up to €4bn project running over 2 years. Position summary:Using any Azure technologies, the goal is to move to a .NET 5, CQRS and Event Sourced system. The front-end will be Vue 3 with TypeScript or Blazor.You will be taking one of our existing applications and re-architecting the system from the group up. You will work with the technical lead and have direct input on technology and design decisions.  Key responsibilities:Provide input to systems architecture and design.Work with the business analyst providing input to the system design and functional specifications.Design, implement and deliver a modern architecture using latest technologiesEducation & experience:Minimum 5 years direct working knowledge of and experience with .NET a priority.Minimum 5 years direct working knowledge of and experience with JavaScript frameworks ideally VueJS but equivalent frameworks Angular/React are accepted.Minimum 5 years direct working knowledge of SQL Server design and development.Optional experience: .NET 5 or .NET core, DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Non-relational DB Essential skills:Full stack developer delivering custom web applications using .NET 4+, Web API/MVC, VueJS, building REST APIs, Visual Studio, C#, EntityFramework, Dapper, LINQ, unit testing frameworks NUnit. XUnit or MSTest, JavaScript, SQL Server 2014+.Other:Contract or permanentTravel: No requirement to travel.Working hours: 40 hours, Monday to Friday

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