Senior Fibre Planner

Senior Fibre Planner Job DescriptionWe are currently recruiting a Senior Fibre Planning Engineer for our expanding team in Ireland. The candidate will be joining an experienced team of talented individuals with expertise across multiple engineering disciplines.Reporting toOperations DirectorRole and ResponsibilitiesThe key responsibilities for the successful candidate will include:Lead a team of talented fibre plannersMentor and develop graduate fibre planners Technical support to bid & commercial teamAssess & integrate new technologies and ways of working for continual improvementPlan optical fibre paths and produce maps and drawingsDesktop surveys and report viability of customer connectionsProvide CAD and mapping support to other team membersData modelling, building map and database environmentsCapacity planningExperience and QualificationsEngineering degree with 10 years post graduate experience in FTTX Inventory Management and Network Planning experience is essentialExcellent computer literacy skills in Microsoft Office applications GIS & CAD experience necessaryDirect management of team members or departmentAnalytical, detail oriented, high level of flexibility with willingness to learn/developStrong administration/documentation backgroundExcellent time management and organisational skillsAbility to multi-task in a structure formatStrong interpersonal skills in both oral and written communicationExcellent written and spoken English requiredSalary:Negotiable depending on experience

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