Senior Environmental Consultant

Senior Environmental Consultant Surrey- Hybrid Permanent, full time Competitive Salary + Bonus + Company car As a Senior Environmental Consultant, you will support the Consultancy Division in providing customers, colleagues and other stakeholders with commercially aware, technically proficient and professional environmental risk reduction services. More about the role: Project management with support/training from the regional team, finance and consultancy support teams.Arrange site works (including investigation and remediation works) in accordance with scope including communication with relevant parties.Site investigation design.Supervise site investigations, remediation works and verification/validations, and perform associated sampling and monitoring.Manage contractors on-site and maintain high standards of health and safety and quality.Schedule samples for appropriate laboratory analysis and liaise with the laboratory.Prepare reports including:Preliminary Risk AssessmentsInterpretive site investigation reportsSite verification/validation reports.Control and take responsibility for project financials.Assisting Principal Environmental Consultants in the development and training of less experienced team members.Identify and share opportunities for the wider A&A group.Demonstrate a commitment to ensuring consistently high levels of safety, technical robustness, commercial awareness, organisation and customer satisfaction.Perform other duties as required by the consultancy division and other areas of the business in order to meet business needs.About you:  Hold a degree in a relevant earth science or geo-environmental related discipline and ideally some professional qualifications while working towards Chartership with a relevant organisation.Knowledge of the available site investigation techniques, and experience supervising a variety of them, particularly the available drilling techniques.Experience of working on contaminated land projects where there is petroleum hydrocarbon contamination would be of particular benefit.Working knowledge of relevant environmental guidance, regulation and legislation.Proficiency in logging soil / rock in accordance with BS5930.Understanding in the development and updating of CSMs.You will attend domestic and commercial properties to assist members of the public and as such, must provide a professional service and image of the Company at all times.Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to effectively communicate with colleagues, workforce and clients at all levels.Awareness of the available remediation techniques for soil and groundwater.Understanding of chemical analyses which can be performed on soil, water and air samples.Excellent organisational and time-management skills.Be computer literate and proficient in the use of Microsoft applications. Awareness of the wider environmental risk reduction sector.Right to work in the UK and a full UK driving licence is essential.  About us:At Adler and Allan Group, we're not just a company – we're environmental champions committed to protecting our planet while helping businesses thrive. We're a diverse, dynamic team dedicated to providing top-tier environmental, energy and water infrastructure services across the UK. Our mission is clear: safeguarding the environment, minimising operational disruptions, and supporting sustainability goals for our valued clients. Adler and Allan are committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in our workplace. We proudly embrace equal opportunities for all applicants, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin. If you require any support with your application, whatever the circumstance, please let us know.

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