Senior Electrical Engineer Building Services

Senior Electrical Engineer Building ServicesLocation: Birmingham (Hybrid Working Available)Baily Garner is seeking a talented Senior Electrical Engineer to join our dynamic team based in Birmingham. This role has been created due to an exciting increase in Building Services projects, including significant work with Coventry University. At Baily Garner we are committed to low carbon design and sustainability, and our projects span a wide range of sectors, including emergency services, housing and education.Key Responsibilities:Interpret client requirements and statutory obligations to design comprehensive building services.Maintain detailed project documentation, including calculation files and correspondence.Ensure designs comply with relevant regulations, company procedures, and standards.Collaborate with internal and external design team members as part of a multidisciplinary team.Prepare detailed specifications, drawings, and schedules for all electrical services to convey design requirements clearly.Review and verify design work, including that completed by Engineers and Assistant Engineers.Conduct site surveys, commissioning, and testing as required.Prepare budget estimates, cost plans, tender documents, and contract arrangements.Attend project and technical meetings.The ideal candidate will have a forward-thinking approach to drive the delivery of our electrical services within the well-established Building Services and Environmental team.Essential Skills and Experience:5 years + experience in building services.Membership of IET or CIBSE, or equivalent knowledge and competence.Proficiency with software such as AMTECH and Dialux.Desirable Skills and Experience:Degree/Chartership (CEng) or equivalent.Experience with Healthcare/NHS projects.Ability to conduct condition surveys and write reports.What We Offer: We offer a highly competitive package with excellent career development opportunities, including:•            Scottish Windows pension and salary sacrifice (4.5% contribution matched)•            Life assurance cover for all colleagues (x4 annual salary)•            Medicash, health plan•            Professional development scheme•            Flexible working hours•            Hybrid working•            Birthday leave•            Long-service leaveHow to Apply: If you are interested in joining our friendly and professional team, please apply with your CV and a covering letter/email detailing why you believe you are suitable for this role.Baily Garner LLP are an equal opportunities employer and positively encourage applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity/paternity needs.

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