Senior EHS Manager

Senior EHS Manager- Ireland NeoDyne is a leading Irish and UK Industrial Automation and Electrical Engineering company. Our B2B customer base extends to over 300 companies with turnover predominantly from large multinationals in pharma, high-end food and beverage manufacturing and energy sectors. The company is 26 years old and employs over 210 talented automation, electrical and IT engineers across offices in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Waterford, and Chesterfield, UK. We are recruiting a Senior EHS Manager with 5+ years' experience to lead and manage the implementation of Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) programs across all company locations. Previous experience in a strategic position focused on driving continuous improvements in safety standards and practices throughout the organization would be highly advantageous.This role is a full-time staff position, with an excellent salary and benefits package. Office location is flexible across any of our Irish offices. This position is primarily office based with some adhoc travel to customer sites required. Responsibilities/ Duties ·      Lead the implementation of NeoDyne’s company-wide Health & Safety Plan, ensuring alignment with the organization’s overall strategic goals.·      Maintain and drive the implementation of environmental, health & safety (EHS) documentation and procedures, ensuring full compliance with relevant legislation, procedures, and best practices to meet safety and environmental requirements across the organisation.·      Be NeoDyne’s primary advisor on compliance with Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work Regulations. ·      Direct and enhance NeoDyne’s safety management system, ensuring compliance with all relevant legislation, including ISO standards 45001 and 14001. Liaise with NSAI as required.·      Keep up-to-date with safety-related legal and regulatory changes, and develop strategies for organisational adaptation. ·      Establish high-level auditing frameworks to ensure consistent compliance with safety requirements and plans. ·      Proactively lead occupational health and safety training programs for staff and management. ·      Approve all NeoDyne RAMS for site work.·      Ensure strategic partnerships with contractors and stakeholders, promoting adherence to all RAMS and safety protocols, including use of PPE at work. ·      Play a leading role in investigations and remedial actions associated with all EHS related accidents/incidents. ·      Conduct regular safety inspections and audits to identify and mitigate potential hazards within our offices or on customer sites and document findings. ·      Perform risk assessments for new and existing processes, equipment, and facilities to identify potential safety concerns and recommend corrective actions. Qualifications/ Skills/Experience ·      Bachelor's degree in Occupational Health or allied discipline. ·      5+ years’ experience in a similar strategy focused role. ·      Ability to interpret regulatory and legislative requirements and lead initiatives to meet requirements. ·      Strong understanding of relevant EHS safety regulations and standards, including HSA, EPA, and industry-specific guidelines. ·      Effective communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to engage and educate employees at all levels. ·      Experienced user of Microsoft Office Suite, particularly skilled in Excel. ·      Demonstrated ability to lead and influence a safety-first culture. ·      Full Driver licenceCharacteristics ·      Works well as part of a team. ·      Capable of self-learning and completion of individual tasks. ·      Adaptable and able to prioritise and coordinate work. ·      Excellent customer service, interpersonal, communication and organisational skills. ·      Ability to multitask, work under pressure and meet deadlines. Benefits·       Competitive starting salary with year-on-year bonuses and salary increases·       Paid Overtime·       Health Insurance·       Pension with employer contribution·       Income Protection·       Life Assurance·       Remote Working/ Flexi-time·       Personalised Career Development Plan·       Regular performance and remuneration reviews·       Cycle to work schemeDon’t miss this opportunity to join a company at the forefront of electrical engineering projects in Ireland, the UK and Europe. Apply today!NeoDyne Ltd. is an equal opportunity employer, and all applications will be treated in strictest confidence.

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