Senior Educational/Clinical/Counselling Psychologists - 2 posts

Liffey Services provide Residential, Day Services and respite services to people with an Intellectual Disability across West Dublin and North Kildare. We are looking for candidates who are committed to supporting people with disabilities and their families, in a person centred, community based, socially inclusive manner in accordance with our core values and ethos and underpinned by quality, best practice and research.As a senior psychologist you will join a highly motivated multi-disciplinary team working with adults with moderate and severe/profound intellectual disabilities, mental health, neurodiversity, dementia and behaviour support needs. You will have the opportunity of developing and delivering effective, efficient and person –centered psychological and compassion focused support for people with an intellectual disability. The role involves provision of training and supports to staff and carers of adults with an ID, supervision of trainee psychologists and the opportunity to engage in research.The successful candidate must have:Hold a minimum QQI Level 8 qualification in PsychologyHave an Irish post-graduate professional psychology qualification accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland in Clinical or Counselling Psychology OrAn equivalent qualification in Educational/Clinical or Counselling Psychology from another jurisdiction validated by the Department of Health. Please provide written proof of validation with application.A minimum of 2 years post- graduate experience working as a full time staff grade psychologist.Demonstrate competence in working with adults with intellectual disabilities.Must be eligible to work in Ireland.Full Clean License and access to own vehicleDesirable Criteria:·        A focus on person centered and compassionate practice with individuals with an intellectual disability.·        Experience of providing psychological supports to adults with an intellectual disability encountering challenges with mental health and wellbeing, dementia, neurodiversity and behaviours of concern.·        Experience of working effectively with teams, consulting with families and other professionals·        An interest in participating and/or undertaking research in intellectual disability.Benefits include:Salary is paid in accordance with the Department of Health Consolidated Salary ScaleClinical supervision structure and opportunities to provide supervision to psychologists in training.Employee Assistance Programme Paid Maternity/Paternity LeaveParental and Adoptive LeaveContributory State Pension Plan Group Scheme for Health InsuranceWellness at Work - Spectrum Life Workplace Wellbeing ProgrammeCommitment to opportunities to enhance professional skills through education and trainingOpportunities for ResearchFree Library facilitiesFree ParkingThe service is currently undergoing review of the proposed HSE blended working policy and will be in effect for appropriate roles subject to meeting the criteria and approval by management.Informal enquiries by phone to Cathy Hayes, Principal Psychologist, Mobile: 0873625484Closing Date for Applications: 10.05.2024

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