Senior Duty Manager

A fantastic new position has arisen to join the award winning team at the 4* Brehon Hotel, KillarneyWe are recruiting for the role of Senior Duty Manager to join our team at The Brehon. If you have great Customer service skills, are friendly, enthusiastic and have good communication skills, with previous Food & Beverage experience - The Brehon Hotel is the perfect place for you to develop your skills and to progress your career.The Role:Reporting to the Deputy General Manager, this role will suit someone with previous experience in a Duty Manager role in a similar sized property who is looking to join a very progressive 4* property where learning, development and career progression are key to who we are.The main duties will include:Responsible for the recruitment, training and development of our Duty Managers teamResponsible for the smooth running of the Hotel and providing support to all Heads of DepartmentPrepare Duty Managers rosters on a weekly basisEnsuring the guest is priority at all times and experiences the best of Brehon HospitalityPerformance appraisal, reviews of Duty ManagersEnsuring daily meetings are conducted to ensure all departments are briefed on daily operationsBe prepared to be "Hands on" in any area of the property that requires assistanceResponsible for the safety and security of the premisesThe Ideal Candidate:At least 2 years previous experience in a Duty Manager positionWarm, friendly, positive personality with a genuine interest in customer careTeam player and also willing to use own initiative when neededGood communication skills requiredWill have a common sense approach to problem solvingBenefitsOpportunities for Professional Development & GrowthLunch, Tea & Coffee Available On DutyFeel Good FridaysOutstanding Performance AwardsEmployee Recognition Scheme such as Employee of the MonthFree Car ParkingEmployee Referral BonusRewards for Years of ServiceFlexible Schedule

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