Senior Dietician

 Reports to: Clinical Director Work Location: Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16, Ireland Mode of Working: On-site Contract: Permanent, full-time. Part-time hours also available. Hours: 37 hours (full time) Key Working Relationships:  ·        Bloomfield management and Dietetic colleagues.·        Residents, their families and carers. ·        MDT members within Bloomfield.·        Collaborate with colleagues locally and nationally as required to ensure coordinated and integrated service provision. ·        Liaise with and build good working relations within Bloomfield Hospital, and external mental health and neuro-disability service providers and related agencies.  About Bloomfield:Bloomfield Hospital provides a spectrum of neuropsychiatric services to adults with a range of serious and enduring mental health needs such as Alzheimer`s, Parkinson`s and Huntington`s Diseases, as well as individuals with early onset dementias, schizophrenia and mood disorders. We are the only facility in Ireland that provides high level of specialised care for people with Huntington’s disease. We also provide specialist palliative care to individuals with mental health needs. In Bloomfield Hospital there is a focus on creating a therapeutic environment by using recovery oriented clinical practices and therapeutic interventions which are evidence based to enable and support patients to achieve their highest level of functioning and quality of life. This care is delivered through a Multi-disciplinary Team.  Bloomfield Hospital is a 123-bed in-patient mental health service, registered as an approved centre with the Mental Health Commission. Our ethos is rooted in the principle of honouring the dignity of every person who comes through our doors. We have over 200 multi-disciplinary team members delivering the highest standards of care in a friendly and inclusive workplace. We value each and every member of our team and believe strongly in supporting employee wellbeing and in the importance of a healthy work-life balance.    Qualifications: Essential:·        A recognised dietetic qualification and maintain valid registration with CORU. ·        Two to Three years post qualification experience.·        Experience in adult with neuro-disability and mental health dietetics.·        Evidence of postgraduate continuing professional development relevant to a specialism within dietetics. Desirable:·        Experience of developing and facilitating training and intervention programmes. ·        Experience in coordinating and leading MDT and other meetings.·        Research and audit skills. The candidate must demonstrate:  1.      Professional Knowledge ·        A level of clinical knowledge, clinical reasoning skills and evidence-based practice appropriate to carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the role in line with relevant legislation and standards.·        An ability to apply specialist knowledge to best practice. ·        Evidence of having applied/used appropriate assessments and treatments and knowledge of the implications of outcomes for adults and their families, particularly those with complex mental health and neuro disability needs.·        Some evidence of practice in the areas of clinical audit, quality improvement initiatives, practice development, teaching and research. ·        An understanding of the interplay between FEDS (Feeding, Eating, Drinking and Swallowing) needs in intellectual disability, neuro and mental health disabilities and the role of the dietitian in the management of children with FEDS needs. ·        Knowledge and experience of the nutritional issues experienced by adults with neuro and mental health disabilities. ·        Awareness of and sensitivity to the impact of disability throughout the course of the person, and their families, engagement with the service. ·        Knowledge of relevant legislation and national policies pertaining to the role.·        Professional supervision skills including staff supervision, performance management, service planning and strategic planning.  2.      Communication and Interpersonal ·        Strong communication and influencing skills.·        Excellent report and presentation writing skills with an ability to communicate complex information in a clear and concise manner.  3.      Evaluating Information and Judging Situations ·        Proven ability in leading on the design, delivery and implementation of a high-quality, person-centred service. ·        Commitment to the evaluation of practical outcomes and quality service provision. ·        Promotes collaborative working relationships as well as having the ability to work independently and exercise a high degree of professional autonomy ·        Strong problem-solving skills ·        Ability to empathise with and treat residents and families, relatives and colleagues with dignity and respect.  4.      Planning and Organising ·        The ability to plan and organise effectively ·        The ability to operate proactively and independently in a complex and demanding setting and environment.  5.      Leadership and Teamwork ·        Proven experience in positive leadership and teamwork. ·        Strong stakeholder management skills and experience.·        Demonstrates a commitment to managing and developing self and others in a busy working environment  For further information, please get in touch with the HR team at 014950021 or email

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