Senior Design Engineer- ERA Home Security

Senior Design EngineerERA Home Security  Wolverhampton, England, United Kingdom (On-site)We are seeking a Senior Design Engineer to join our evolving engineering team here at ERA and deliver new strategic product developments whilst working alongside our design engineering team.What you’ll be doingJoining an evolving engineering team you will report to the Design Manager and be working in a dynamic, global and multi-project environment.You will be responsible for the technical delivery of new strategic product developments whilst working alongside the design engineering team.You will work on technical customer requests and projects which the business has decided to commit to when they ariseEnsuring the specific key product characteristics and technical specification of the product are correctly defined with the teams from the start of product developmentsWorking through engineering design problems from first principles for optimal design and FMEA checks ensuring quality/technical standards are being metWorking with international manufacturing and launch teams to ensure tooling designs are appropriate for the product and its projected volume plansYou will be a contributor to the continuous improvement and development of engineering processes, applying lessons learned and ensuring lean project deliveryBe comfortable with fast paced change management scenarios, custom product development project setups and flexible scoping of workCollaborate with the Design Manager to uphold high standards for drawing and engineering integrityWhat we’re looking forTechnical degree in an Accredited Engineering related subject.At least 3 years’ experience working in product development engineering for intended productionStrong 2D&3D CAD skills (Solidworks)Experienced with Mechanical Product & Component DesignA proactive, adaptable and approachable engineer with excellent internal/external client facing communication skills to ensure optimised design viability in projectsExperience in the fenestration industry or broader construction and building materials industry. Comfortable designing & developing new products off of a given design brief and then running feasibility checks prior to concept developmentAbout usHere at Tyman UK and Ireland, our purpose is to transform the security, comfort, and sustainability of living and working spaces through our expert touch. Tyman UK and Ireland is one of three divisions within the Tyman Group which has over 4000 employees globally and facilities in 17 countries.Based in the heart of the West Midlands ERA is a key part of the Tyman UK and Ireland Group . Our job is simple - develop window and door hardware that stands out from the rest while giving the fabricator, installer, and homeowner clear benefits.We believe the employment relationship is two-way, so from us you can expect a professional and safe working environment where teamwork is paramount. We are really looking for someone who is currently operating at this level in a similar role, however, linked to our value of ‘never stop growing’ we are open to individuals who may be looking for their next career opportunity.

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