Senior Clinical Pharmacist

The purpose of this role is to provide pharmaceutical care to the patients of Beacon Hospital, in accordance with the mission, values, vision and strategic plan of the Hospital.   This role will require the ability to work across the main pharmacy disciplines, including dispensary, clinical ward services, medicines information and Aseptic Services and lead changes in work, procedures, techniques or technologies.Responsibilities and DeliverablesThe purchase, storage and supply of all medicines and related items consistent with quality and value for money.The provision of clinical and dispensary-based services, including the provision of advice to medical and nursing staff.The timely collation and input of all data concerning drug usage in the hospital, in line with departmental policy.The performance of all duties and responsibilities in line with all Pharmacy Department procedures and protocols, as well as hospital wide procedures. Participate in continuing education and research activities consistent with the post.Ensure best practice and compliance with agreed clinical guidelines.Ensure that all departmental and hospital wide Health and Safety protocols and procedures are adhered to and all areas of non-compliance are promptly addressed.Ensure that work schedules and programmes are created to provide for the most effective and efficient deployment of staff and other resources. Lead changes in work, procedures, techniques or technologies having regard to developments in the field of pharmaceutical care and clinical practice.Identify and implement policies and operational processes to the standards of best practice including the development of pharmaceutical services.Performance of such other duties appropriate to the post, including on call and the participation in extended opening rosters including weekend opening and other such services that may from time to time be introduced by the Director of Pharmacy Services  Clinical Service Delivery Dispensary:Participates in dispensing services including the clinical and final accuracy checking of prescriptions / orders for inpatients in accordance with local standards, policies and safe systems of work Supervises work carried out by other pharmaceutical staff as required ensuring compliance with agreed standards. Counsels patients to ensure that they gain maximum benefit from their medicines. Identify defects in supplies and equipment. Receive and record details concerning mishaps, investigate and report findings as required to the Pharmacy Manager.Liaise closely and co-ordinate service delivery with the other team members to ensure a high level of teamwork between pharmacists and pharmaceutical technicians.Ensure that departmental and organisational policies are enforced. Clinical Ward based:Participates in ward and clinical pharmacy services and provides advice to ensure safe and cost-effective prescribing and drug expenditure control. Undertakes Medicines reconciliation of patients admitted to hospital to ensure continuity of their medication and record relevant information in order to facilitate the discharge process. This involves communication with the patient, their GP and hospital medical staff and reference to the patient’s notes in order to obtain accurate details of medication, allergies and other relevant clinical information. This will involve checking of the patient’s own medication and assessing its suitability for use where appropriate Monitors in-patient prescriptions for clinical accuracy and cost-effective prescribing. Assesses the patient’s response to therapy, interprets blood results, and depending on their clinical parameters either adjusts drug doses in accordance with local procedures or advises the clinicians appropriately. Advises on therapeutic drug monitoring as appropriate to ensure patients receive optimum and effective treatment. Monitors and reports Adverse Drug Reactions that patients experience as a result of their medication in line with national guidance. Act as a clinical role model and demonstrate the ability to provide safe, clinically effective and cost-efficient use of medicines for junior pharmacists Develop and demonstrate expert clinical knowledge in appropriate areas.  Aseptic Services:To provide clinical and technical cover for Aseptic Services, should the need arise, once deemed competent via departmental training process. Training and DevelopmentParticipates in in-service training and continuing education programmes within the department and Trust. Keeps abreast of current pharmaceutical practice and knowledge, attending meetings, courses or conferences as necessary, for Continuing Professional Development in accordance with national guidelines from the PSI/IIOP Co-ordinates the training of pharmacists, pre-registration pharmacy students, undergraduate pharmacy students, student pharmacy technicians and pharmacy technicians and other healthcare professionals.Participates in the training of hospital staff in pharmacy-related topics as necessary Motivate team members, through the use of agreed goals and objectives. Information TechnologyProvides support to clinical staff on the use of automation/ E-prescribing.Trains NCHDs and other clinicians in the use of the E-Prescribing system. QualityParticipate in the JCI Accreditation and adherence to standards and hospital-wide quality management programmes.Ensure that the medication use process is measured, analysed and optimised by undertaking regular clinical audits. Contribute to hospital –wide quality reports such as Antimicrobial Usage Reports, Medication Safety Reports and Drug Storage and Security Assessments.Lead and advise the process of developing protocols and guidelines designed to deliver optimal and economical patient care.Reports all medication incidents in a timely fashion, via the approved reporting system and participates in any remedial actions that are designated the responsibility of the pharmacy department.  FlexibilityThe above indicates the main duties of the post, which may be reviewed in the light of experience and developments within the service. This post requires a high level of flexibility to ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient service. Therefore, the post holder will be required to demonstrate flexibility as and when required by their manager.Person SpecificationQualificationsBe registered with the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland.Diploma/MSc in pharmacy practice (clinical) (Nice to have) ExperienceEssential: Have at least 3 years post-registration hospital pharmacy experience, as appropriate Good working knowledge of training and education issues. Desirable:Possess a high standard of administrative and managerial abilityExperience of change management Working or technical knowledge of new technologies including automationSkills & AbilitiesEssential:Have excellent interpersonal and communication skills and a professional and dedicated attitudeCollaborate with Pharmacy management and other hospital departments to ensure delivery of an effective pharmacy service.Monitor and maintain health, safety and security of self and othersContribute to the improvement of servicesDesirable:Experience in the process of developing protocols and guidelinesExperience in training and leading a team of skilled staff. Personal CompetenciesIs self-motivated and committed towards quality service provision and can motivate others.Has an inherent person-centred philosophy which is respectful and assertive towards clients, staff and other contacts.Competent communicator in all formats to a multidisciplinary cohort.Is honest and trustworthy, accurateIs computer literateThis job description is intended to be an outline of the areas of responsibility and deliverables at the time of its writing. As the Hospital and the post holder develop, this job description may be subject to review in light of the changing needs of the Hospital. 

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