Principal Biopharma Consultant [Cell & Gene Therapy Expert]

DPS Group is a global provider of A&E professional services for the life science, pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and advanced technology sectors. DPS delivers full service Architectural and Engineering Design, Consulting and CQV and with a ‘client first’ ethos. We have one goal; to deliver more than clients expect first time, every timeIn response to industry needs for Advanced Therapeutics and ATMP expert consulting and advisory support for companies striving to commercialise their products, DPS has established a Biopharmaceutical Expert/ Thought Leader Team. The team will help clients to scope and shape life science manufacturing and development facility projects, successfully navigate their specific challenges from clinic to commercialisation and support a faster and more agile speed to market. The Principal Biopharmaceutical Expert, ‘Thought Leader Cell and Gene Therapy, is a critical role for DPS as it continues to expand its business in the cell and gene therapy area and build on the current company expertise. The responsibilities and expectations for the role are outlined as followsSupporting the expansion of DPS’s influence and track record in Cell and Gene Therapy assignments on a global basis.  Develop opportunities and execute consulting assignments for DPS’s existing clients and potential new clients.Working with our business development, consulting and senior leadership teams to develop a network of senior stakeholders within client and target companies.Be recognised both internally and externally as our foremost authority in your area/s of specialisation. Act as a DPS brand ambassador, within the industry with clients, and internal and external peers for purposes of consultancy, company profiling and client relationship development. Develop insights and innovative approaches within your specialist area which can be used to support internal and external clients and communicated at conferences and in articles, peer reviews and white papersProviding technical advice and influence for DPS Operations global teams for feasibility and conceptual studies for Cell and Gene Therapy Projects.Support the group to hire new experts and help devise appropriate strategies to enable the group to have a significant impact.Supporting Business Development at client presentations with existing and new clients.Actively participating in relevant industry groups such as ISCGT, TIDES, PDA, ISPE.Keeping up to date and participating with current science, technologies and innovations in the sector.Maintain certain minimum billability targets on key strategic assignments.The successful candidate will : Be considered a thought leader in their area of expertise and be well networked in the cell & gene therapy sector. This individual must be able to influence others in a collaborative manner to achieve the required outcomes. Have 20+ years’ experience in Biopharmaceutical development, engineering or CMC with a substantial portion of that in the cell and gene therapy environment.Have worked directly with key global biopharma manufacturing companies or cell and gene therapy industry innovation leaders or been part of program delivery or technology delivery teams for cell and/or gene facility design and implementation.Have up to date knowledge on the current state of the industry, current challenges and proposed solutions, and technological trends. Good understanding and knowledge about International Standards and Regulations for the CGT space.Have an up to date knowledge on current state of the industry, current challenges and proposed solutions and technological trends.Have ability to travel nationally and internationally for company & client assignments and meetings. Location :This role may be based in Europe or USA.A comprehensive Role Profile will be shared with shortlisted candidates.Further details of DPS capability in novel therapies please review

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