Senior Bartender/Mixologist

To arrive on time for duty.To operate the Till system effectively.To greet all guests with a smile, eye contact and a greeting if appropriate.To maintain your station in a clean and tidy condition at all times.To carry-out mise en place for service, ensuring it is sufficient to allow for the required standard of service, i.e. setting tables, stocking stations, preparing tea / coffee etc.To correctly clear, polish and store crockery, cutlery and glassware to minimise breakages and loss, while maintaining standards.To correctly take orders to the Heritage standard maximising and promoting sales by recommending products where appropriate. To promote a helpful and professional image to the client, and give full co-operation to any client requiring assistance, with a prompt caring and helpful attitude.To anticipate client needs in order to enhance quality service and in turn enhance client satisfaction.To give full co-operation to any colleague requiring assistance in a prompt caring and helpful manner and to be flexible in assisting around the hotel in response to business and clients needs.To maintain regular and effective communication within your team and at all levels by attending briefing sessions when required.To apply at all times to The Heritage policies & procedures.To take care of and avoid misuse of linen.To have knowledge of wines, spirits and the menu items.To handle guest’s complaints discretely, notifying the Head of Department or the Food & Beverage Director.To have a complete knowledge of the Heritage and the product and services it offers.To positively promote sales within your department.To create and maintain an effective working relationship with colleagues and managers. Report for duty clean and tidy, wearing the correct uniform and safety shoes to Company standard ensuring your name badge & preferred pin is worn at all times whilst on duty.To ensure a high standard of personal hygiene.Maintain cleaning programme in operation.Secure and record lost and found property, following the correct procedure.Note and report maintenance needed to your supervisor or manager.Secure keys, be fully aware of the key security policy.To ensure you Clock In and Clock Out on a daily basis.Ensure to clock for breaks on a daily basis.To carry out the hotels customer relation policy. Ensure full knowledge of all hotel facilities including opening and closing times and promote these facilities at every opportunity.Ensure that eating and drinking is confined to No. 19 (staff canteen) only.To participate in all training programmes scheduled for you.To participate in daily ‘15 minute’ standards training.Be fully familiar with all Human Resources policies and procedures as set out in the Company Staff Handbook and to abide by these at all times.To familiarise yourself with your departmental SOP (Standards of Procedure Manual) which is available from your Department Head.Responsible for ensuring that all start up documents i.e. Application Form, Contract of Employment, Employee Handbook, Job Description and other relevant forms along with legal requirements such as Photo, Passport, GNIB, letter from college etc.. (in the case of international colleagues) are given to the HR Department prior to commencement.Ensure that you are fully familiar with the company’s Information Security & PCI DSS Policy and that you have completed the PCI online training.To attend and support hotel and departmental meetings as requested.To participate in job chats and performance appraisals.To be fully familiar with the complaints procedure and that complaints are dealt with in a courteous and sympathetic fashion and reported to the Duty Manager if necessary.To work towards achieving high hotel inspection results.It is agreed that flexibility of employees is fundamental to the Hotel’s ongoing progress.  

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