Senior Associate System Administrator – Limerick

Benefits:·        Company contributed pension·        Private Health Insurance·        Educational assistance programme·        Development & progression opportunities About UsVitalograph is a leading manufacturer of medical respiratory diagnostic devices and software, used in the diagnosis of respiratory disorders, and advanced high-reliability equipment and software systems used in respiratory end-point clinical drug trials. We have designed, developed and manufactured respiratory diagnostic devices, software, and consumables for healthcare professionals, for 60 years. Headquartered in the UK, Vitalograph has operations in Ireland, Germany, and the USA. Reporting to the IT Service Desk Supervisor, the successful candidate will join a world class IT support team, providing level 1 / level 2 support to our IT infrastructure, systems, and applications in Limerick and occasionally to other global sites (as required). This is an exciting opportunity to join a dynamic and fast paced global IT team as it embarks a new phase of expansion. Responsibilities as a Senior Associate System Administrator:·        Maintenance and support of company IT infrastructure including computer hardware, operating systems, printers, and applications.·        Diagnose and troubleshoot technical problems on both hardware and software.·        Logging and management of tickets and assets.·        Work continuously in tasks through to successful completion.·        Provide level 1 and level 2 support to our staff on a face-to-face basis and remotely where required.·        Support the deployment of new systems for in-house and customer facing solutions.·        Management of user accounts in Active Directory and Office 365.·        Maintain a good working relationship with employees, executives, and teammates.·        Test and evaluate new technologies.·        Provide out of hours support as required.Requirements as a Senior Associate System Administrator::·        2+ years’ experience. ·        Relevant 3rd level IT qualification. ·        PC / Laptop hardware configuration and troubleshooting.·        Strong knowledge of Windows 10 and Microsoft Office product suite.·        Experience in some of the following Windows Server, Active Directory, VMware, Veeam and Office 365.·        Familiar with TCP/IP networking, including switches and access points.·        Any of the following qualifications would be desirable, but not essential CompTIA A+, CompTIA N+, CCNA, MCSA.·        Must be able to work well and communicate effectively with users of a broad range of computer competency levels.

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