Senior Assistant Manager

The ideal candidate will come from at least a 4 star property or similar with a strong background in Food and BeverageThe successful candidate will possess strong interpersonal skills and will have to take a hands on approach to tasks including the day-to-day management of the operation lead . You will have gained your experience from at least one - two years duty management within a busy environmentRequirements· Must have an excellent work ethic and be hardworking with a positive attitude towards their work· Will be required to liaise with other managers to ensure all guest expectations are met· Ensuring that our standards of service are met in all areasHave experience in the operations of Food & Beverage· Must have an ability to work under pressureFlexibility required regarding hours of work· Must be legally valid to work Full-time in Ireland· Excellent Communications Skills(Written & Verbal)Applicants will possess an excellent command of the English language. Flexibility is required in this position as shift work is involved.

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