Senior Assistant Financial Accountant

Senior Assistant Financial Accountant (PQ or newly qualified)Our client, a privately owned Irish company based in Longford, is seeking to recruit a Senior Assistant Financial Accountant. The successful candidate will work closely with the Finance Managers in a hands-on role within a dynamic manufacturing environment.Role reports to: Reporting and Controlling Manager·       Sales Reporting – Daily/Weekly/Monthly reporting and reconciliation.·       Tax returns and preparation of monthly Intrastat/Vies returns.·       Monthly cost centre budget to actual variance reporting.·       Maintenance of fixed asset register and depreciation schedules.·       Reconciliation and interrogation of GL accounts. Accruals calculation and journal setup. ·       Debtors/Creditors Ledger management.·       Preparation of CSO returns/surveys.·       EI Grant submission report and application preparation.·       Assist with annual audit and work with external auditors.·       Payroll analysis and journal preparation. Submission of payroll details to external payroll company. ·       Preparation of detailed financial analysis for external stakeholders and internal departments. ·       Assist with month end reporting to meet reporting deadlines. ·       R&D Tax credit reporting. ·       Assist in annual budget preparation. ·       Represent Finance to other departments and on projects.Requirement:3-5 years of experience in a busy finance officeGood excel skillsGood Knowledge and understanding of ERP systems. Ability to prioritise tasks.Good communication skills.Team player.Good attention to detail and knowledge of accounting concepts (depreciation, accruals, fixed assets etc).Desirable:Inventory Management

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