Secretary/ Administrator

The FirmFor over 65 years, RBK has provided accounting, audit and taxation services to domestic and overseas business in Ireland. We have grown from a relatively small, regional practice to Ireland's leading independently branded Accountancy Firm, with offices in Dublin, Athlone and Roscommon.We are currently seeking a Senior Administrative Assistant seeking an exciting opportunity to utilise and develop skills working within a variety of areas in the Firm, and working closely with a number of our Partner and Management teams. Why choose RBK?In RBK, you are more than a number - you are a valued part of our team. Our aim is to empower you, to shape your own career and drive future business success in RBK. We provide you with a supportive & collaborative working environment to allow you to thrive professional and personally. We will support you, offering first hand client experience, exposure to our senior leadership from the outset and mentoring programmes so you will learn from the best! As a People First Firm, we work as One United Thriving Team, living our Values by:·        Putting People First and consistently treat everyone fairly, with respect integrity and trust.·        Making A Positive Difference by giving back to our clients and communities.·        Being In It Together to achieve a clear end goal by collaborating and having each other’s back.·        Keeping it Clear And Concise to avoid confusion and bring clarity, purpose and prioritisation for everyone.·        Stepping In & Owning It With Excellence by taking responsibility for achieving better outcomes and results. DutiesProviding comprehensive administrative support to the extended Management team and Partners, including managing correspondence, organising schedules, and handling tasks as required.Planning and organising events such as quarterly meetings, office training and workshops etc.Collecting and preparing information used for meetings such as agendas, briefing notes and presentations.Providing reception cover as needed and manage a busy switchboard whilst dealing with clients.Supporting various teams and the Partners during any onsite/off-site meetings (catering, refreshments, meeting rooms, overnight accommodation booking etc)Liaising with wider administrative team for the coordination and management of events.Coordinating office activities and operations to secure efficiency and compliance to company policies.Ad hoc office duties as advised by the Administration ManagerMaintain a high level of confidentiality regarding sensitive information and exercise discretion when dealing with confidential matters. Key Requirements·        A minimum of 2 to 3 years’ experience in an administrative role is essential.·        Experience working within a professional services environment would be an advantage.·        Strong organizational skills with the ability to multitask and prioritize effectively.·        Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.·        Strong IT skills, including MS Office.·        Excellent attention to detail.·        The ability to collaborate with co-worker and clients.

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