SEN Teacher/Tutor

Bright Futures School is a non-associated Independent Specialist school based in Lymm, Cheshire. Our aim is to provide a child-centred and individualised education to students with Autism and other sensory processing disorders in a calm and safe environment. The school and college provision caters to up to 80 students with an EHCP plan and some specific additional education needs. Job description: SEN Teacher/Tutor Job detailsSalary £32,453.00 - £38,210.00 plus SEND AllowanceHours: 8.30 – 16.00/ 17.00 depending on the level of responsibility and pay structure.Contract type: Full Time/ PermanentReporting to: HeadteacherResponsible for: teaching a class group/ curriculum lead  Main purposeThe SEN teacher or tutor, under the direction of the Headteacher, will:be accountable for the standards of a curriculum-specific subject throughout the schoollead, manage and develop a class groupexercise professional skills and judgmentimpact on the educational progress of all pupils in their class grouplead, develop and enhance the classroom practice of teaching staff and teaching assistants Qualities and knowledgeUnder the direction of the Headteacher:Support with the day-to-day running of the schoolLead by example, hold and articulating clear values and moral purpose, and focus on providing an excellent education for all pupilsBuild positive relationships with all members of the school community, showing positive attitudes to themSeek training and continuing professional development to meet your own needs Pupils and staffUnder the direction of the Headteacher:Demand ambitious standards for all pupils, instilling a strong sense of accountability in staff for the impact of their work on pupil outcomesEnsure excellent resources and curriculum coverage in their class groupEstablish a culture of ‘open classrooms’ as a basis for sharing best practiceCreate an ethos within which all staff are motivated and supported to develop their skills and knowledge The self-improving school systemUnder the direction of the Headteacher:create an outward-facing school that works with other schools and organisations to secure excellent outcomes for all pupilsdevelop effective relationships with fellow professionalsinspire and influence others to believe in the fundamental importance of education in young people’s lives and to promote the value of education An SEN Teacher will be required to safeguard and promote children's and young people's welfare and follow school policies and the staff code of conduct. An SEN teacher will fully embrace and support the company values.Please note that this is illustrative of the general nature and level of responsibility of the role. It is not a comprehensive list of all tasks that the SEN Teacher will carry out. The post holder may be required to do other duties appropriate to the level of the role, as directed by the Head of School. Person Specification: SEN Teacher Qualifications Degree or equivalent in education/ curriculum subject/ teachingQTS/ QTLS desirable but not essential  Evidence of professional development ExperienceExperience in working with students with complex needs is desirable but not essential. Full training will be given during our bespoke induction programme. Knowledge and UnderstandingUnderstanding of the latest research and how to implement it in context to achieve maximum impact is essential. It is recommended that candidates are signed up to DfE updates and Ofsted emailing lists. Ability to effectively analyse student data to monitor and improve performances. Self-aware with a good understanding of own personal strengths and weaknesses. A vision committed to our principles, values and mission statement especially 'Awakening Potential' and improving outcomes for all students. This job description may be amended at any time in consultation with the post holder.

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