Semi/Skilled General Operator (Construction Industry) Nationwide

Cleantech Civils are looking for Semi/Skilled Groundworkers for a number of sites in Ireland.Full Job description ·       Carry out their works daily safely so as to not endanger themselves or any other worker or member of the public.·        Perform tasks assigned to them on a daily basis.·        Attend Health & Safety training where required.·        Wear all necessary PPE for the task being undertaken and maintain in good order.·        Notify Site Manager immediately if any equipment is in their opinion defective / unsafe for use or if any work area is unsafe.. Perform general site clean-up and maintenance tasks as needed.·        Establish and promote best quality practice.·        Ensuring the promotion of customer focus throughout the organisation.Selection Criteria / Person Specification:·        Previous experience in general operative or general labouring roles.. Dumper Ticket is essential.·        Safe Pass.·        Manual Handling Certificate, is a plus but not necessary as training will be provided.. Experience and a reference is essential.. Contact Aimee on 0877213918.Benefits . Bike to work Scheme.. Company Pension.. EAP Program.. Excellent Annual Holidays.  . Company Parking.. Company Events.

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