Security Systems Apprentice

We have a fantastic opportunity for an enthusiastic person to join the team as a Security Systems Apprentice based at our Carlisle Head Office. This position is a long-term career pathway, with 4 year modern apprenticeship, being at college one day a week. The apprenticeship will commence in September 2024. Overall Purpose     To provide support to the systems engineering team in the installation, repair and servicing of Alarms, access control and CCTV systems. Principle Elements    To support the installation of cabling and containment for Intruder Alarms, Fire Alarms, Access Control systems and CCTV systems. To assist with and where competent to do so carry out the repair and servicing of Intruder Alarms, Fire Alarms, Access Control systems and CCTV systems.To provide whatever support the qualified engineers require during the above tasks.To program and test control equipment where competent to do soCleaning out Company vehicles and making sure they are correctly stockedRegular stock checks of equipment held on site and the upkeep of the storesTo attend a recognised apprenticeship course to gain the correct qualification you will be working towards.Any other duties that may reasonably be required from time to time. 

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