Security Officers, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15

Great people make us a great companyADVENTURERS, BREAK-IT THINKERS – PEOPLE WHO AREN’T AFRAID TO CHALLENGE CONVENTIONAL THINKING. At Provincial you are more than your title.We are looking for people to join our Security team We’re looking for people who have: A passion for customer service.Enjoy building relationships and working as part of a teamAn eye for detail – you have your security focus in tune and notice when something isn’t as it should be.A warm and helpful presence – we like to acknowledge people and get to know their names.Excellent communication skills; verbal, written and listening. You will be operating in a multi-cultural environment and may need to adapt your communications to your audience.Working at Provincial Most companies operate under the premise that employees should be replaceable like parts of an assembly line. We choose our people more carefully. We chose you because you fit.We want you to be yourself.It’s not all about us. To be able to provide exceptional security you need security. As part of the Provincial family, you’ll enjoy a rewarding role amongst people who want to make a difference. There is something really special about Provincial. Security Officer to Receptionist - it’s the reason people stand up and say, ‘we belong at Provincial’.About the role You will work 12 hour shifts 7 to 7, over 7 days in the week. We have a minimum of 36 per week.Responsibilities include but are not limited to:To report directly to the Team Leads and Employer Management.To ensure the safety and security of all site personnel and their property.To ensure the protection of all client property, premises and equipment.To ensure the prevention of loss caused to the client through whatever cause.To monitor and control access to the facility.To respond as directed to all client requests and alarms, especially in the event of an emergency.To conduct regular patrols of all buildings and exteriors.To immediately report all security, health and safety threats identified during regular patrols.To ensure a detailed knowledge and understanding of all Summary Post Orders and Site Operating Procedures.Job Requirements Excellent verbal and written communication ability.Possess Advanced Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel & Outlook and a knowledge of Alarm and camera systemsExcellent Communication SkillsPossess Excellent Interpersonal SkillsUnderstanding of the Security IndustryWillingness to Take Instructions from Higher Management LevelsPreferred Qualifications PSA LicenceHere’s what we offer youA challenging, flexible and interesting roleA sense of security and belongingHigh quality training and coaching from talented peopleA long list of great brands to work withA fun team cultureAmbitious growth plans and great progression opportunitiesAnd that’s not all Industry Leading Wage PackageComprehensive Sick Pay SchemeReal Opportunities for AdvancementMaternity top up payment and flexible working hoursExcellent Working Environment as accredited by Excellence Through People & Great Places to Work 2018Training opportunities

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