Security Officer (Retail)

Job descriptionLocation: Marylebone/ Kensington/ Battersea/ VictoriaWe are looking for a security officer who has a minimum of 3 - 5 years of experience in a hospitality or corporate environment, either in a security or customer facing role.Can manage, communicate effectively, evaluate, develop, and have confidence in handling challenging situations. Be part of our store teams, assist customers, answer questions and at the same time provide a security presence in our stores.This is a fantastic opportunity to work in our busy Bayley & Sage stores, where no two days are the same. In this role, you will working with our store teams to ensure the safety and security of our customers and employees. You will be a friendly, welcoming face and be confident interacting while all the time ensuring our store environments are safe and secure.What will I be doing?Responsibilities include but are not limited to:You are in stores to support our customers and teams, to offer assistance and achieve and maintain a high standard of customer service.To respond in a swift and confident manner to all emergencies.Ensure that all incidents are reported immediately that necessary actions are taken and that the incident is reported.Job Type: Full-timeSalary: £12.00 per hourBenefits:Company pensionEmployee discountReferral programmeStore discountSchedule:Day shift/ afternoon shiftWeekend availabilityWork authorisation:United Kingdom (required)Work Location: In person

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