Security Officer - Part time CCTV Required

We are seeking several highly experienced Guest Service Ambassador’s to join our team at The Avenue Shopping Centre.A warm welcome from our team will determine the first impressions for our visitors. The Customer Service Ambassador role is to provide the highest level of customer care, while providing a 5-Star front of house service and maintaining a subtle, yet visible security presence.This opportunity will operate on a part-time contract of 21 hours per week, on average, with several rotations available.What We Offer:·        Competitive rate of pay·        Full and ongoing training with a view for career development.·        Modern and bespoke company uniform provided.·        Immediate access to our Employee Assistance Programme.·        Employee App, allowing access to the latest company announcements.Key Responsibilities:·        Always deliver a 5 - star guest experience·        Be seen as a visible customer-focused professional by being proactive and greeting clients and visitors where possible·        Carry out regular patrols as and when required·        Anticipate and action client requirements/requests in a professional manner·        Always provide a consistently professional service·        Issue visitor passes using the agreed sign in and out policies and procedures·        Ensure all fire exits are kept clear. Health & Safety issues are reported·        Ability and foresight to create a safe environment for all guests and visitors·        Always maintain a high-security awareness·        CCTV interaction where required·        Complete a full detailed handover at the end of each shiftPerson Specification:·        Professional, highly driven, flexible, enthusiastic, proactive, self–motivated team player·        Holds a true passion for high standards of customer service delivery·        Ability to provide a 5-star guest experience·        Previous experience in hospitality or a customer service facing role·        Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to interact with people at all levels·        Immaculate presentation·        Ability to work independently with confidence, using own initiative as required·        Confidence and common sense to access and utilize expert resources when making decisions·        Always maintain and practice a high degree of confidentiality.·        Have an acute sense of security awareness·        Valid SIA license essential·        5 years of verifiable work history·        First Aid training would be an advantageHours are 14:00 to 22:00 Three days over seven, Additional Hours availableAbout us:Vigilant Security covers a range of security-related services including manned guarding, mobile patrols, and keyholding. We currently employ 1000 members of staff across the UK and cover a range of security-related services including manned guarding, mobile patrols and keyholding. High standards are embedded in the DNA of the company, and we pride ourselves on delivering seamless service to our clients. We currently have an annual turnover approaching £40 million per annum and a forecast for continued growth throughout the next five years. We are Investors in People Gold accredited and believe that we are only as good as the people we employ, so staff welfare, support, and development, is an absolute priority for us. We ensure our staff from the outset are given the skills required to be competent. We are an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from all suitably qualified persons regardless of their race, sex, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation, or age.

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