Security Officer

MAN Commercial Protection are looking for a Security Officers located in Walworth. Two Shift patterns available: Shift pattern 1: Monday, Tuesday, night shift. Saturday, Sunday day shift. Shift pattern 2: Wednesday-Sunday night shift. Shift timings: 18:00-08:00 / 07:00-19:00.Payrate: £13.15ph The duties and responsibilities will include:Respond to and deal with all site incidents and emergenciesPatrolling of premisesGreeting visitors on siteThe ideal candidate must have:You must be able to work on your own initiativeFull 5-year checkable work/education historyValid SIA SG or DSBenefits:Full uniform suppliedAccess to in-house training (SIA and First Aid)Double pay on Bank HolidaysFree International Professional Security Association (IPSA) membershipAccess to 24-hour counselling helpline through IPSAAccess to 24-hour legal helpline through IPSAPerks At Work - High Street Discount SchemeIf this sounds like the ideal role for you, please apply with your CV. We look forward to hearing from you!

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