Security Officer

MAN Commercial Protection are looking for an experienced Security Officer in Southampton. Shift pattern: Week 1: Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Sunday 48hrs. Week 2:Monday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 60hrsPay rate: £12ph. Main Responsibilities: Reception Duties.Greet visitors and ensure relevant security procedures are carried out.Write accurate incident reports in a timely manner and provide a visible high profile security presence.Knowledge of security systems including life safety systems.Check alarms and log information.Respond to and deal with all site incidents and emergencies.Patrolling of premises.Access and Egress control. The ideal candidate must have:You MUST hold a valid SIA DS or SG and CCTV LicenceYou must have a checkable 5 Year work historyBe reliable with flexibility being keyHave excellent communication and customer service skillsBe able to work as part of a teamBenefits:Full uniform suppliedAccess to in-house training (SIA and First Aid)Free International Professional Security Association (IPSA) membershipAccess to 24-hour counselling helpline through IPSAAccess to 24-hour legal helpline through IPSADouble pay on Bank Holidays If this sounds like the ideal role for you, please apply with your CV. We look forward to hearing from you!

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