Security Officer - between Athy & Kildare

Are you vigilant, responsive, dedicated?Are you proactive and want to exceed expectations?Do you want a role where you aren’t sitting at a desk?Here’s what we offer you.  A flexible role with varietyA sense of security and belonging High quality training and coaching from talented peopleA long list of great brands to work withA fun team cultureAmbitious growth plans and great progression opportunitiesAnd that’s not allIndustry Leading Wage PackageComprehensive Sick Pay SchemeReal Opportunities for AdvancementMaternity top up payment and flexible working hoursExcellent Working Environment as accredited by Excellence Through People & Great Places to Work 2018About the roleThis role is a mixture of days and nights each week – 12 hour shifts with guaranteed hours each week. It covers two sites in Athy and Kildare, Co. Kildare. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:  Perform a variety of routine and non-routine duties associated with CCTV monitoring, alarm event monitoring using established policies and standards.Monitor the entire site with patrols on foot and by vehicle.Monitor CCTV system to identify potential security threats/weaknesses.Monitor access control system.Monitor and enforce security policies and procedures.Accurately record relevant information for inclusion in reports.Write reports as directed.Report all unusual circumstances and situations and respond as necessary.Perform various security or safety related activities when directed by management. Job RequirementsExcellent verbal and written communication ability. Including a courteous and professional telephone manner, with accuracy in relaying information.High level of attention to detail.Ability to maintain high level of concentration and focus.Ability to prioritise and multi-task.Professional appearance and demeanor.Excellent customer service.Ability to work independently while also being a team player.Ability to interact effectively at all levels.Ability to follow instructions, directives and prescribed procedures.Ability and willingness to learn new technology as required.Action oriented with a passion for getting things done quickly, efficiently, and properlyGood basic computer skills. General knowledge of electronic access control systems, CCTV and alarms system an advantage. The highest adherence to ethics. Qualifications PSA LicenceDrivers Licence

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