Security Officer

The CompanyNeylons is a Facility Management Company providing services all over Ireland. We are a growing company that prides itself on training and development available to all staff. We offer flexibility, career progression, and a competitive start rate.Full-time Flexible Security Cover needed for a Pharma environment in Damastown, Co Dublin*** Various shifts available***Purpose of the Job To provide security services on client sites as required in line with client and company procedures, ensuring that all relevant legislation is adhered to at all times. Main Duties and Responsibilities Present for work at the designed time at the location required Follow on site security requirements including but not limited to internal and external patrols Monitoring CCTV cameras and footage Access control and monitoring Searching people and vehicles as and when required Report any security events in the onsite log Deal with emergency situations including alert and evacuations Establishing parameter and access control Support emergency services Complete the onsite paperwork in a clear format adhering to all quality procedures both from a company and client perspective Liaise with client and their National Call Centre regarding any security issues or problems Requirements:A can-do attitudeExperience of a similar roleA good working knowledge of EnglishA knowledge and willingness to apply safe working practicesRequirement to hold an active PSA licenseExcellent Customer service skill's

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