Security Officer

Start your journey with us ☘️ Would you like to be a Security Officer, and do you have 6 months experience in a retail security role?Do you have a valid SIA licence and authorisation to work up to 40 hours per week? As a Security Officer your primary role is to provide a safe environment for everybody who enters our stores. By being vigilant and providing customer service, when necessary, you are preventing losses and damages to the company and improving the customer experience.   What’s in it for you? ⭐️ The company will pay for your SIA licence renewal ⭐️ Refer-a-Friend initiative ⭐️ Additional annual leave for length of service ⭐️ Service rewards ⭐️ Annual events⭐️ Employee discount ⭐️ Career & skill development⭐️ Health & Safety training ⭐️ Flexible hours 

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