Security Officer

MAN Commercial Protection are looking for an experienced Security Officer in Ipswich. Shift pattern: Monday-FridayShift timings: 16:30-20:00Pay rate: £12.40phMain Responsibilities:Reception dutiesControlling the access to the buildingLiaising dealing with tenants, deliveries and contractors.Patrolling the premisesMonitoring CCTV and reporting findingsThe ideal candidate must have:You must be able to work on your own initiativeFull 5-year checkable work/education historyYou MUST hold a valid SIA DS or SG licenceBenefits:Full uniform suppliedAccess to in-house training (SIA and First Aid)Free International Professional Security Association (IPSA) membershipAccess to 24-hour counselling helpline through IPSAAccess to 24-hour legal helpline through IPSADouble pay on Bank Holidays If this sounds like the ideal role for you, please apply with your CV. We look forward to hearing from you!

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