Security Officer

Security Officer Vigilant Security are offering an exciting opportunity for a security professional to join our expanding team, working with a high-profile client in London. Scope: This is a permanent contract, working Monday to Friday 0700- 1900hrs.The post holder (SIA license) will be responsible for maintaining the day-to-day security requirements at a corporate location, maintaining a corporate image and high standards of professionalism.The hourly rate is £14.00 per hour. Main Duties & Responsibilities · This role requires the individual to be physically fit as standing, meeting and greeting will be required.· Provide a prompt, polite and warm welcome to all visitors.· Anticipate clients’ needs/problems before they arise and that their expectations are met and exceeded each day· Be seen as a visible customer focused professional greeting and engaging with visitors.· Provide a consistent professional service at all times.· Communicate visitor/client arrivals to the relevant person promptly.· Maintain a high security awareness at all times· Undertake patrols and inspections in accordance with management instructions.· Proficient use of relevant communications equipment will require candidate to have good communication skills.· Ensuring all H&S policies are adhered to.· Ensuring that no un-authorised persons are permitted in prohibited areas.· Issue visitor passes using agreed processes and procedures· Maintaining an accurate record of any incidents that occur. What We Are Looking For: · Professional, highly driven, flexible, enthusiastic, proactive, self – motivated team player· Smart and confident.· Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to interact with people at all levels· Immaculate presentation· Clear, concise and confident communication skills which are customer service orientated with a very keen eye for detail.· Maintain and practice a high degree of confidentiality at all times· Computer literate· Good communication skills, both written and verbal· Able to be vetted back 5 years or since leaving compulsory education.· Provide support to the wider when required.· Current SIA license. About us: Vigilant Security cover a range of security related services including manned guarding, mobile patrols and keyholding. We currently employ 1000 members of staff across the UK and cover a range of security related services including manned guarding, mobile patrols and keyholding. High standards are embedded in the DNA of the company and we pride ourselves on delivering seamless service to our clients. We currently have an annual turnover approaching £40 million per annum and a forecast for continued growth throughout the next five years. We are Investors in People Gold accredited and believe that we are only as good as the people we employ, so staff welfare, support and development, is an absolute priority for us. We ensure our staff from the outset are given the skills required to be competent. We are an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from all suitably qualified persons regardless of their race, sex, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation or age

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