Security Officer

MAN Commercial Protection are looking for a permanent Security Officer to help cover a busy Distribution site in RugbyShifts to include days, nights and weekends on 3 days, 3 nights, 3 off rotations.Shift timings will be: 06:00-18:00 / 18:00-06:00.Pay Rate: £11.80Main ResponsibilitiesReception duties, badge printing, area access, alarm monitoring, CCTV investigationsControlling the access of visitors, staff and contractors.Internal and external patrolsFollowing site procedures as agreed in the SLA, reporting all incident and accidents to the customer.Gatehouse duties - checking drivers ID and vehicles inspections.Screening / Search when required.All duties are split between officers on site and are rotated.Skills required.A valid SIA guarding/Door Supervisor Licence – (CCTV Licence is an advantage but not a requirement.)A 5-year checkable work/education history is requiredCompetent computer skills with a good knowledge of computer systems.Excellent communication skillsAbility to create comprehensive incident reportsAbility to work independently and as part of a teamA 5-year checkable work/education history is requiredHappy to help others attitude!BenefitsInhouse training (SIA and First Aid)Excellent career development / progression opportunities.One hour lunch paidFull uniform providedFree onsite parkingFree International Professional Security Association (IPSA) membershipAccess to 24-hour counselling helpline through IPSAAccess to 24-hour legal helpline through IPSADouble pay on Bank HolidaysPerks At Work – High Street Discount SchemeIf you are interested in this position, please apply with your latest CV.

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