Security Ambassador

Job Purpose We are seeking a highly experienced individual who has an extensive knowledge in customer service and can provide our 5-Star front of house service delivery whilst maintaining a subtle, yet visible security presence. This amazing opportunity operates on a full-time contract working Nightshift 7pm-7am on a rotational shift pattern (6 days on 3 days off) and will be based within one of our trophy buildings in Holborn. Payrate is £13.74 per hour. We offer a competitive rate of pay and you will be entitled to 28 days holiday per annum including bank holidays. At PROception we pride ourselves in offering an exemplary welcome to our clients, combining the three key disciplines of reception, concierge and security. Key Responsibilities Be seen as a visible customer focused professional by being proactive and greet clients andvisitors where possibleAnticipate any action client requirements in a professional manner.   Provide a consistent professional service at all timesIssue visitor passes using agreed sign in and out policies and proceduresProvide a high level of concierge services and have a wide knowledge of provisions within local and surrounding areas.Ensure all fire exits are kept clear. Health & Safety issues are reportedEnsure all landlord contractor access it pre-authorised and in accordance with risk assessment/permit to work conditionsCarry out building patrols where requiredProvide administrative support/incident report writingAbility and fore sight to create a safe environment for all guests and visitorsMaintain a high security awareness at all timesCCTV interaction where requiredComplete a full detailed handover at the end of each shiftFirst Aid and Banksman training required  Person Specification Professional, highly driven, flexible, enthusiastic, proactive, self–motivated team playerHolds a true passion for high standards of customer service deliveryA keen interest and high level of systems/technology and computer skills would be an advantage    Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to interact with people at all levelsImmaculate presentationIntuitive customer related logicAbility to work independently with confidence, using own initiative as requiredLook for opportunities to enhance client/visitor experienceClear, concise and confident communication skills which are customer service orientated with a very keen eye for detailConfidence and common sense to access and utilize expert resources when making decisionsMaintain and practice a high degree of confidentiality at all timesComputer literate with good email etiquette. Use of concierge and Microsoft systems is an advantage.Have a high level of security awarenessValid SIA licence required5 years of verifiable work history

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