School Catering Assistant - Maternity Cover

Bright Futures School is a non-associated Independent Specialist school based in Lymm, Warrington, Cheshire. We provide a child-centred and individualised education to students with Autism and other sensory processing disorders in a calm and safe environment. The RoleWe are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, well organised, proactive and caring Catering Assistant, to support the team during a busy period of the day.This candidate will be responsible for the planning, preparing, cooking and serving of food and beverages to our students and staff.  Ideal Candidatelike being around children, are caring and understand their needs.Good organisational skillscan work in a team to ensure a happy and healthy lunchtime experience for the students.can establish assertive and sensitive relationships with children.a good attendance record is a must. Hours of WorkingMonday to Friday9am to 2.30pmTerm Time only How to applyYou can email: for an application form and job description, or telephone 07706737390 and she will answer any questions for your convenience.Successful applicants will be required to have a DBS disclosure, two satisfactory references, and a Health Check

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