Sales/Yard Assistant Homeland Kilbarron

Job Title: Sales/Yard Assistant Location: Homeland KilbarronOpportunity: Part-time – 3 days per week  Aurivo Co-op is a large multi-purpose Co-operative engaged in a wide range of activities including dairy processing, liquid milk distribution, animal feed milling, retail stores, e-commerce, garden centres, livestock marketing and sports nutrition. In Aurivo our values define how we operate, employing over 650 people directly and providing employment for many others in wide range of activities including transport & distribution.   OpportunityReporting to the Homeland Branch Manager, the successful candidate will work as part of a close-knit team to ensure an excellent customer experience is provided to all Homeland customers. This position has growth opportunities for the successful candidate who demonstrates a drive & a will to go the extra mile in their daily operations.Key Responsibilities·       Dealing with customers queries, ensuring customer retention and maintaining customer satisfaction·       Dealing with transactions including cash management·       Inventory management and stock control·       Merchandising ensuring all area’s of the store are presented to highest standard ·       Developing a working knowledge of the Core system·       Adhoc tasks, duties and projects as required The ideal candidate will have·       Previous retail/sales experience in working in Agri an advantage·       Ability to engage and prioritise customer needs ·       Strong communication skills·       An ability to work on own initiative and as part of team·       Good computer skills ·       Drive and willingness to be flexible·       Desirable knowledge of the agricultural sectorApplication ProcessThe company reserves the right to select a shortlist from the applications received. Please forward updated CV closing date 19th January 2024

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