Sales Support

Are you looking for a career change or a new opportunity for career progression?Are you highly motivated and conscientious with an excellent attention to detail? If you are then a great opportunity has arisen in our fast paced highly successful Sales Support Team at our head office in Armagh. You will be the first point of contact to all our distribution customers, managing their journey from start to finish. Providing updates to the team and customers throughout the process. Here you will build long-term relationships with our customers and all departments within the Company, our sales team, warehouse, administration and production.  Your daily duties will involve the following: –1.      Process customer sales orders through Sales Order Processing system.2.      Respond to customer communications/queries in a timely and professional manner.3.      Build long-term relationships with customers and provide exceptional customer service.4.      Resolve customer queries.5.      Liaise with other departments to ensure orders and processes are on schedule. What we require from you: –1.      Excellent communication, numeracy, and literacy skills both verbal and written.2.      Good problem solving and organisational skills.3.      Experience of working in a busy office environment.4.      Computer literate.5.      Excellent time management.6.      Ability to work in a team environment as well as independently.7.      Professional but friendly attitude.8.      Commercially aware.If you are highly motivated and enjoy a fast-paced environment Armatile is the place for you!. 

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