Sales Representative

TJ O’ Mahony Limerick, part of HPC Sales Ltd., Irelands’ leading Builders Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, are looking for a full-time, Permanent, Sales Representative to join our Team.Job Purpose: Identify leads and meet with customers to recommend products, explaining the features and benefits of the products. Assist customers find products that meet their preferences, providing exceptional after-sales service and support.Duties and Responsibilities:Identify and develop new business opportunities within the Builder Provider/Merchant sector.Proactively engage with potential customers to understand their needs, promoting our products and services.Conduct product demonstrations and presentations where necessary. Attend trade exhibitions.Dealing with suppliers, negotiating prices, place orders, ensuring orders are received and processed appropriately within the Goods Inwards system.Follow up on sales leads, prepare quotations and delivery proposals, negotiate and close the sale.Liaise with customers on order delivery and payments.Achieve sales targets.Regularly communicate with customers to provide updates on promotions, industry trends, and new products that become available from our manufacturers.Collaborate with the Branch Manager and Sales Team to develop sales strategies, set targets, and achieve revenue goals.Answer any questions about the products, address any customer inquiries or concerns in a prompt and professional manner.Report and provide feedback to management completing sales reports.Stay up to date with industry trends and the latest technological advancements, industry standards, market conditions and competitors.Account management, ensuring existing clients are receiving excellent customer service.Ability to build and maintain productive and positive long-lasting relationships with suppliers and customers.Maintain, expand and grow the client database to maximise sales opportunities.Committed to providing top quality customer service.Skills and Requirements:Considerable experience of sales and a wide knowledge of building and home improvement products.Strong communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills.Organized, problem solver, demonstrate resilience.Highly motivated and target driven with a proven track record in sales.Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite; Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint.Ability to work on own initiative.Benefits: An attractive remuneration package for the successful candidateBonus Structure.Company Vehicle.Employee Discount.Hours: 39 hours per week (Monday - Friday).

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